dancing bump!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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I was just lying on my back talking to OH, looking at my bump, and i have just watched her roll over! You could see her back going from right to left over my bump. Made my innie belly button go to an outie. now she is lying with her back facing outwards!

it was the strangest thing i have seen her do! its made me feel all emotional :cry: I can't wait for her to arrive and i can see her grow up! seems like yesterday she was a 'blob' on a screen!

i can feel where her bum through my bump! its almost like i can hold her when i rest my hand on my belly :) ooo... :D
awww its nice when that happens isnt it.
It makes you realise that baby is really in there :D

its made me all funny :) im not sure if i want to cry or laugh. she is already developing a little personality (like she hates the contraction sensor on the sonicaid machine. she kicks it and rubs her bum against it all the time i am on it).

Its little moments like that which make everything worth while! ooo :)
aaaawww i kno how u feel sam

i call my movemnets like that a 'mexican wave' lol

it looks and feel liek one :cheer:
That's a lovely feeling. I have felt and seen those feelings too, though probably not as strong.
Awww bless

Only just started feeling real movements this week, baby sticks bum out at top of bump, its so weird. :shock: I rub it all the time and I think s/he likes having bum rubbed so does it all the more!!! And before there was an arm or leg sticking out at top of bump!!! Very strange...

Its all good fun though innit?? :cheer:

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