Damon John Hamill 09/07/2010 16.26 6lbs 4.5oz * Now with Pics*


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Well let's start from the begginin eh?

Friday morning started off stressful. Gran hadn't showed up at hospital to help mum look after Eva so I had to go through to the ward alone whilst dad stayed to help. I was pretty upset saying goodbye to Eva but surprisingly calm as I sat on the ward. (Apart from peeing every 2 minutes :lol:)
Dad eventually came in and we settled down for a wait. And wow what a wait! From 7.45am until 2.20pm!!!!
I was taken through to theatre at 2.20pm. The plan was to go under general so had to leave Dad in the ward :( He was white with fear.
Everything went well, drips in, etc etc and I happily drifted off to sleep (very weird but nice sensation). Next thing I know I'm coughing like hell, struggling to breathe and bein thumped on the back!
I was not amused and my first words (direct quote here) were "why the fuck did you wake me up, I was enjoying that sleep!" shortly followed by "ooh he's cute who's he?":blush:

Anyway, I was very quickly wheeled into recovery where it was explained that I had reacted really badly to the GA. Even though the breathing tube had been placed fine, which is hard in pregnant women, my body just wouldn't let me breathe or absorb oxygen and therefor brain damage / death were likely to happen pretty fast.
So, this left me no option. As baby had also been affected by the GA they needed to get him out really quickly and I was rushed back into theatre and given a spinal AND an epidural. My two worst fears. At that point though I was so out of it and so worried about the little man that I would've done anything.
The operation was awful. I felt every single thing. Cutting tearing, scissors, you name it i felt it and heard it :shock: no pain though, I was just very aware of what was happening!
Within about ten minutes Dad was besdie me holding my hand and next thing I heard,at 16.26, was "we have a shoulder and an arm" well that's when I started crying :lol: But quickly I realised something was wrong. Nurses running around, phoning emergency doctors / teams, etc and I swear if my dad hadn't held me I'd have found a way to get off that table.

My boy had become distressed and pooped inside me, then swallowed the meconium as he was born. There was a heavy coating in his mouth and throat which made his first few minutes difficult. Thankfully the doctor cleared it and gave him oxygen to get him going and I heard him cry and even had a quick cuddle before he went off to the SCBU.
The rest of the operation I spent talking about how beautiful he was and was back in recovery before I knew it! Weirdly the whole being numb part wasn't freaking me out as much as I expected!

I'll leave out the boring bits but I was in recovery for a bit, chatting to dad, etc ,etc then got taken to my own private room. Had some tea and toast and started getting annoyed that I didn't have my boy back yet.
The midwives were great though, one eventually got so bored waiting she went round to SCBU and said if they had no concerns over his health, she was taking him to his mummy lol.
About ten minutes beofre visiting time my beautiful boy Damon John Hamill was wheeled into my room and we had immediate skin to skin.And i finally found out that he was 6lbs 4.5 ounces! I have been totally smitten since and haven't managed to wipe the big grin off my face :lol:
Visiting was great as Eva got to meet her brother for the first time and I was just dying to give her a big massive cuddle :)
Our first night together was a struggle. The midwife assigned to me was useless and didnt help me attach Damon for a feed and even though I battled on as much as I could, he was starving by morning and i caved and gave him a bottle. We're now bottle feeding him my expressed breast milk but I'm super determined to keep trying until we can establish proper breast feeding.
I had an ok time in hospital but when Sunday came I was very very happy to get home!

So anyway that's the story of how he got here :) Scary to think we were both almost not here but we're happy, healthy and a perfect little family of 3. I can honestly say I've never been happier in my whole life! Thanks again for your support throughout my preganancy. Couldn't have done without it :D:D:D







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Awww, not the best birth experience ever but such a wonderfull thing that you got our of it!

Glad you and Damon are both well. Cant wait to see some pics of him. xxxxx
Wow, wotta story!!!! GLad all ok now and that it went well. I had a general with my first but OMG I dont think that i said n e thing similar to that when i was woken up!!!! hahahahaha how funi!!! Cracked me up xxx Well done hun xx
OMG what a terrifying ordeal!! But what an amazing story!! plus he's super mega cute Too!!! Congrats!! x
OMg how cute!!!! How much did he weigh?? xz
Ahhh well proud of you Simone, sorry the birth went a bit topsy turvey but you sound like you coped well.
He really is a cutie X
Awww bless hes gorgeous. Glad your both ok now! Sorry you had such a bad experience in the process tho but you have yor little man now! Congratulations :) x
Congratulations!!! Sorry it didn't all go to plan but you have a gorgeous baby boy there so well done you :)
Again...he's ADORABLE!!!!! Wishing you a very swift recovery! :hug: x
OMG he is stunning! So beautiful :cloud9:

Sounds like quite an experience but you did awesome. Congratulation xx
What a beautiful baby! I have tears in my eyes, he is just gorgeous :hug:
congrats hes gorge. gald ur ok xxxxxxxx
Sorry the birth never went to plan!
Congratulations on having a very gorgeous little boy at the end of it all! :)
Hope Eva is enjoying her little brother being around, must be so nice to see them together!:) xxx
he is absolutely beautiful xx congrats hun xx

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