

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2015
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So sadly last Friday I found out I had a mmc at just gone 5 weeks, I should have been 9 weeks this Wednesday :(

I'm booked in to have the D&C this Friday, I was in shock and a little numb on Friday so don't feel like I asked enough questions about the procedure and now I'm feeling really nervous about it all! I've never been to hospital for anything in my life before before I fell pregnant. My hubby is coming with me thank god.

What am I to expect after? Will I have any bleeding or pain?

We really want to start trying again ASAP and I know they say to wait at least one cycle before ttc but from what I understand that is mainly for dating purposes, I have read lots of stories where people have fallen pregnant straight away, what is everyone's opinion on this?
Sorry to hear your news. I don't have any experience with a d&c as I mcd naturally which was very painful and had a lot of bleeding. I've heard people say they have less pain and bleeding with a d&c.

I wasn't told to wait before trying again, unless you need to wait for investigations then do what you think is right when you are ready. It was our mc due date last week and we were hoping that we would be pg again by then but not to be for us. My cycles aren't back to normal yet either :(
Hi Drc I am so sorry that you have had a MMC, I have had two MMC's at 11.5 weeks and 10 weeks both times I had a D&C , I felt no cramping and only had very light spotting afterwards, I think you'll know when you're ready to try again, as I'm older I took a short break from trying just to get my head around things. Time is a great healer, I found my husband a great support and he stayed with me the whole time in the hospital (I didn't have to stay over) take care xLouise
Thanks for your advice ladies, hubby will be with me all day for support, in at 11 am and should be discharged at 5pm. I have no idea when my body would have finally realised something isn't right and mc naturally so d&c was the best option for me.
I actually went for my d&c after my mmc on my own; sounds bizarre but I couldn't cope with my OH just sitting there helplessly while I was dozing in and out (I slept for ages after the anaesthetic) and actually it was good for me. He went to work as normal which keot his mind off it and I was back again when he got home. I had no oain at all, and very very minimal bleeding afterwards; the op really does clear everything away. The hospital team we fantastic. The consultants, anaesthatist and a few nurses all came to chat to me beforehand and were so lovely. I felt incredibly well looked after. I was also very calm as I had acceoted things; I could hear some poor lady in the room next door in hysterics so I was very glad I had had some time to take it all in before the procedure. The only time I felt a bit emotional was when I arrived at the theatre doors. I felt myself welling up but before I had chance to let it come out I was on the table, and then waking up half an hour later. It was very quick, very 'clean' and definitely the right thing for me. As you said, I coldn't bear the waiting for a natural mmc; it could have been weeks and weeks of limbo. This way, I could get back to 'normal' as soon as possible. I had taken the tablets previosly which was just awful; painful, messy and just felt never ending so this was a far better apporach for me persoanlly, but it is personal choice of course. I also have a wonderful GP surgery who were very understnding and recommended a few weeks' rest both for emotional and physical healing. That might not be a good idea for some people who would prefer to just jump back into work, but I also had a very understanding boss, and was medically signed off for three weeks which was actually just what I needed. Like you, I had to go back and be rescanned to confirm everything; this happened four times, four weeks consecutively, so I was a bit emotionally drained with all the 'wondering' coupled with the fibbing to work about where I was going (I only told my boss once everything was confirmed). Good luck honey, it will be absolutely fine and as soon as you feel ready I would just jump back on the ttc train and hop to it ;) take advantage of the high fertile period that will follow, but just heed the doctors advice about post-op infection risks, so they may ask you to wait until any post op bleeding has subsided etc. thinking of you xxxxxxxx
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Louise, thank you so much for that, helps knowing all of that, my hubby will have my folks to keep him company. Sadly no time off work for me as I'm self employed :( but actually I've found keeping busy has helped me.
Hi Drc, I am also self employed so couldn't take any time off, but I found work kept my mind occupied, physically I felt fine (a little drained) and it's natural to feel different emotions afterwards, in Ireland a D&C is always the recommended route for a MMC, I don't think I would have coped with waiting weeks as I found the 3 days waiting for the D&C tough, like the other Louise I found all the staff lovely, the procedure was very quick, it was the first time I had been to hospital but I had no problems with the Anaesthetic. I had very light spotting for about 10 days, from memory I think I got a negative HPT 18 days after the D&C and I ovulated again around 21 days after the D&C. I was told not to use tampons after D&C and we avoided having sex for two weeks after D&C to reduce risk of any infection. Big hugs xLouise
I started mc naturally while waiting the 5 days for mine and ended up needing blood transfusions in a&e a d throwing up, all veins collapsed ( prob because when it kicked off i was on nil by mouth for the op in morning!!)
So they sorted me out and got me stabilized then 2 hrs later went up to theatre for D&C
I'd choose d&c again if that helps, quick general anaesthesia and sleep. I woke up and no pain at all compared to before! And just the odd spot on pantyliner as louise said. I was tired from blood loss and had to stay because of transfusion but lovely to be out of limbo and to grieve. My period arrived 26 days after d&c day.

I actually felt better when i started ttc again, like back on track. We started ttc straightaway before that first period but i don't actually think I did Ovulate that month, as was using ov sticks to check, i would recomend using them, jyst to give you a ball park idea if you do or when. Just to warn you when I didn't manage to get a bfp that first cycle and af arrived I fell apart again, like I had a desperate need to still be preg without a break, that would make it right!

We were lucky and fell preg the next cycle,after that one period, i normally ov cycle day 14, i moved to cd17 after mmc

Wishing you a smooth procedure on friday , xxx

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