

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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im suppose to have a d&c today, and just wondering if anyone knows what this entails, or what exactly goes on during. is it painful? do they give u meds? this sort of thing :cry:
You lurk on the ward and are given a pessary to dilate your cervix, but that isn't painful or anything.

You go under anaesthetic, and they clean out your womb.

Most people are let out the same day- hope this helps.

You will have bleeding afterwards but not much cramping or pain :)
your hubby can be on the ward with you, you could try and ask if he could go down to where you are put under anaesthetic. When you're in theatre, you're asleep anyway :)

In your head it will feel like you are away from him for about 5 mins :)
it is really up to you what way is best, i have had 4 d&c's now and it really isnt painful they will ask you to not eat or drink anything for hours before it, they will give a general anaesthetic, usually they tell your dh to wait in the ward, for control of infection and for the privacy of other patients in theatre, the d&c usually takes about 20 mins, you then go to recovery untill you come round from anaesthetic then they take you back to the ward. The d&c is probabally not the sort of thing your dh should see anyway.
I dont know much about the medical way, i dont know how long it takes, or what its like pain wise what happened the last time you had a loss was it a medical one at home?
Hope whatever way you chose is right for you
:hug: :hug: :hug:
when i had my d&c i was put 7 hours back as they had some emergencys to deal with i wasnt allowed to eat or drink anything while i waited they finaly walked me to theatre i was given something in my hand (not sure what it was) told to undo my gown and lay down and the next thing i new i was waking up on the ward a little pain in my womb area went home after an hour.
that night was terrible i was in agony nearly had to go back to hospital but i managed to sleep and woke up with only a little pain again i bleed for about 4-5days
manda xx
claire30 said:
it is really up to you what way is best, i have had 4 d&c's now and it really isnt painful they will ask you to not eat or drink anything for hours before it, they will give a general anaesthetic, usually they tell your dh to wait in the ward, for control of infection and for the privacy of other patients in theatre, the d&c usually takes about 20 mins, you then go to recovery untill you come round from anaesthetic then they take you back to the ward. The d&c is probabally not the sort of thing your dh should see anyway.
I dont know much about the medical way, i dont know how long it takes, or what its like pain wise what happened the last time you had a loss was it a medical one at home?
Hope whatever way you chose is right for you
:hug: :hug: :hug:

the last one went on its own...the only thing that worries me is the fact that nothing has happened...no bleding no cramping, nothing. im not saying something is actually going right, i gave up on that a long time ago, im just saying that it scares me the fact that nothings happning and they wont even give me an ultrasound
also they said total time in the hospital would be at least 6 hours, 2 for surgery and 4 for recovery....none of this makes sense what so ever
just read what the dr had said to you hun.
are you sure he dint make a mistake as there hasnt been any bleeding or anything?
can you not ask for a second appoinion are you still getting symtoms?
sorry to ask when your upset just want to make sure its not a mistake on the dr's behalve
manda xx
Sorry for you loss hun. From what you have said you have had a blighted ovum which can sometimes pass naturally but can also need medical intervention (d&c) to remove as your body carries on thinking that your pregnant therefore doesn't bleed or pass anything.

I would talk again to your medical advisor's as even though you will need to rest after d&c you will also need to rest if you miscarry naturally but if you choose to let it happen naturally it could take a long time to happen. Hope that makes sense.

Take each day as it comes hun, try not to worry about tomorrow or the next day as you have enough goin on at the moment without worrying about other things too. Take care, if you need to chat im here. :hug: :hug:
manda224 said:
just read what the dr had said to you hun.
are you sure he dint make a mistake as there hasnt been any bleeding or anything?
can you not ask for a second appoinion are you still getting symtoms?
sorry to ask when your upset just want to make sure its not a mistake on the dr's behalve
manda xx
they said they definitly know its a miscarriage because my hormone levels are going down
aww thats a shame hun i was holding onto a tiny flicker of hope for you
manda xx
yeah so did i until i asked an on-call doctor about a few things and she asked me why i would hold onto something that wasnt there...at that point i gave up
o and also my doc said it lowers our chances to 40% just by having a d&c...i dont want any of this garbage
He said it lowers chances to 40% by just having a D&C?????

I'm sorry sweetie but i reckon he has got that very wrong, I am sure there is no way it lowers your chances like that unless there is oth problems, which i hope to god there isn't

I had a M/C before i had Jack and nobody mention by me having a D&C that my chances lessoned

I am so sorry for your loss and what you are going through at the moment xxxx
Breezee I think you need to ignore all these statistics your doctor seems to be throwing you. They are the biggest load of rubbish I have ever heard in my life, they will only make you more depressed if you listen to them.
Hi honey, Urchin speaks the truth! Concentrate on feeling well again and hopeful you and your OH will feel ready to try again without fear of percentages or numbers. :hug: :hug:
breezee1984 said:
o and also my doc said it lowers our chances to 40% just by having a d&c...i dont want any of this garbage
This is a load of rubbish :x if your dr told you this then you need to change dr's, i have had 4 d&c's and have never been told it has affected my chances, i think you need to report your dr cause they cant go on saying this.
breezee1984 said:
o and also my doc said it lowers our chances to 40% just by having a d&c...i dont want any of this garbage

I can't believe they said that!! I've done lots of research about it and I have heard that before. I had a D&C two months ago and things seem to be ok. :hug:

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