D&C after MMC


Aug 11, 2016
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Hello ladies,

I just had a D&C (they called it an aspiration curettage here in Belgium), on Wednesday morning (30/01). The bleeding and cramps are quite manageable but I am wondering how long the OH and I have to wait to TTC again.
I'm afraid I won't have AF come visit in a while since I was already at 12w+1d, but the doctor said we have to wait 1 cycle before ttc.
Does anyone have experience with this? Did AF come after 4 weeks of the d&c or did you have to wait longer?x
Sorry you have been through this.

After my 1st MC I waited 6 weeks for AF.
After my MMC & d&c I waited 4 weeks for AF but it was irregular and would come whenever it wanted (twice in one month once) for around 8 weeks.

I wouldn’t worry about when you can ttc again so much yet as you will know when your body is healed enough.
Sorry you have been through this.

After my 1st MC I waited 6 weeks for AF.
After my MMC & d&c I waited 4 weeks for AF but it was irregular and would come whenever it wanted (twice in one month once) for around 8 weeks.

I wouldn’t worry about when you can ttc again so much yet as you will know when your body is healed enough.

Thank you for your reply April, I'm so sorry you have had to go through those horrible moments. Hope you get your rainbow baby soon!x
I’ve had 2 d&cs and my period came more or less when I would have expected it if the d&c was day 1 of my cycle. Then my cycles were regular(ish) after that.

I understand the need to try again, my last mc was Aug and I wasn’t allowed until this month which has been torturous. Especially with people close to me falling pregnant soon after.

I’d wait one cycle then try if you feel ready x
Just to say as well the only reason they advise waiting a cycle is because ovulation can be a bit all over the place so it helps with dating your pregnancy and making sure everything looks ok next time x
Sorry for your loss kitana, I had a miscarriage at 10-11 weeks back in June it took a full 6 weeks to get my period back but I didn’t have a d&c I passed it all naturally over the course of a week and I believe that means it can take longer to get your cycle back, I think your cycle goes back to normal quicker after a d&c as your hcg drops down much quicker, I hope everything goes quickly for you xx
Just to say as well the only reason they advise waiting a cycle is because ovulation can be a bit all over the place so it helps with dating your pregnancy and making sure everything looks ok next time x

I would love to try again asap, but understand that the body needs to heal. It's been 6 days and the bleeding has stopped since yesterday but I will wait a few more days before BDing.
The ovulation sticks won't work anyways due to the hcg in my blood so I might just do it safely now and ttc again next month.
Thanks for sharing and sorry you have had to go through this Rainbow... X
Sorry for your loss kitana, I had a miscarriage at 10-11 weeks back in June it took a full 6 weeks to get my period back but I didn’t have a d&c I passed it all naturally over the course of a week and I believe that means it can take longer to get your cycle back, I think your cycle goes back to normal quicker after a d&c as your hcg drops down much quicker, I hope everything goes quickly for you xx
Thank you night owl, you're so brave for doing it naturally. I think it was already making me sick since I felt so so bad, the smell was none too pleasant either. I could never have done it naturally. How long did you have to try before you got pregnant again?x
Not read all the comments yet but wanted to post I had surgical management of misscarrige 20th December bled for just under a week after then got my period on
21st jan 19 ended 28th jan I normally have irregular cycles but I’ve waited till 29th to start trying to conceive take time for your body to heal and was told there after the bleeding from surgery stops you don’t have to wait they just prefer you to as makes dating easier
Hello Kitana.
My mum had a D&C before being pregnant with me. She always told me she never got her period after the d&c and made me pretty much straight away.
Check with your OB that it’s safe to have sex to avoir any infections should your body not be healed yet.
It otherwise I doubt there’s any problem.
When I MMC in August I waited to have my period again but I think it’s more because I needed it mentally! As I was pregnant two cycles later !

Best of luck and keep us updated :)
Hello Kitana.
My mum had a D&C before being pregnant with me. She always told me she never got her period after the d&c and made me pretty much straight away.
Check with your OB that it’s safe to have sex to avoir any infections should your body not be healed yet.
It otherwise I doubt there’s any problem.
When I MMC in August I waited to have my period again but I think it’s more because I needed it mentally! As I was pregnant two cycles later !

Best of luck and keep us updated :)

I think I will try before AF comes, the OB had told me to avoid taking a bath/swimming/sex until the bleeding stopped. But we won't take it seriously since I can't use ovulation sticks due to the HCG in my blood and I don't feel like temping since I have no clue whether my body will go back to 28 day cycles or not. We'll just relax and BD when we want to. It's been 7 days and am still spotting so will wait til it's completely gone. The hormones are kicking in though, feel like jumping on the OH whenever he walks by!:lol:
I think I will try before AF comes, the OB had told me to avoid taking a bath/swimming/sex until the bleeding stopped. But we won't take it seriously since I can't use ovulation sticks due to the HCG in my blood and I don't feel like temping since I have no clue whether my body will go back to 28 day cycles or not. We'll just relax and BD when we want to. It's been 7 days and am still spotting so will wait til it's completely gone. The hormones are kicking in though, feel like jumping on the OH whenever he walks by!:lol:
Were you told to take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after just to make sure all the HCG is back to normal.
I tested after 2 weeks and was all back to normal then we started trying (and after bleeding stopped) x
Thank you night owl, you're so brave for doing it naturally. I think it was already making me sick since I felt so so bad, the smell was none too pleasant either. I could never have done it naturally. How long did you have to try before you got pregnant again?x

I was really lucky and got pregnant on my next cycle, so I had a 6 week cycle following the MC where we didn’t even do the deed once cos I just felt like my body was in bits and was still getting lots of annoying spotting and random pains, just didn’t feel like it, finally got my period 6 weeks after MC then I was so lucky to get pregnant again when I ovulated 2 weeks later, i really hope you catch again quickly if that’s what you want, there is no real reason to have to wait to try again I think it just makes dating the pregnancy easier for medical professionals! Good luck lovely xx
Were you told to take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after just to make sure all the HCG is back to normal.
I tested after 2 weeks and was all back to normal then we started trying (and after bleeding stopped) x
No, I hadn't been informed about that. Might just check it in 2 weeks then.
I just have a check up 6 weeks after the curettage and that's it.
Good luck with your ttc journey!x
I was really lucky and got pregnant on my next cycle, so I had a 6 week cycle following the MC where we didn’t even do the deed once cos I just felt like my body was in bits and was still getting lots of annoying spotting and random pains, just didn’t feel like it, finally got my period 6 weeks after MC then I was so lucky to get pregnant again when I ovulated 2 weeks later, i really hope you catch again quickly if that’s what you want, there is no real reason to have to wait to try again I think it just makes dating the pregnancy easier for medical professionals! Good luck lovely xx
Thanks hun! We will try again as soon as my body is ready for it. I'm still spotting, it's so annoying! It's been 9 days, I hoped it would have stopped by now!:wall2:
No, I hadn't been informed about that. Might just check it in 2 weeks then.
I just have a check up 6 weeks after the curettage and that's it.
Good luck with your ttc journey!x
Hmm they may do that at the check up. I never got a check up just told to do a test. I’d def recommend it just so you know and then when you get that bfp you know it’s a real one. If you know what I mean.
Thankyou and good luck to you x
Hmm they may do that at the check up. I never got a check up just told to do a test. I’d def recommend it just so you know and then when you get that bfp you know it’s a real one. If you know what I mean.
Thankyou and good luck to you x
I just ordered 40 tests on amazon so will def start testing in a week or two! I don't know at what level it was at the time of the mmc, the gynaecologist never told me (I didn't ask either).
Hope to see you soon in tri 1!:)
I just ordered 40 tests on amazon so will def start testing in a week or two! I don't know at what level it was at the time of the mmc, the gynaecologist never told me (I didn't ask either).
Hope to see you soon in tri 1!:)
It does drop pretty quickly after that. I just left it the 2 weeks so didn’t get upset. Fingers crossed We’ll be there soon x

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