Cyst on right ovaries.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies, I know I've done a few posts on here but I'd be grateful for any replies on this one cuz I'm so worried. Well... when I had my first scan at 12 weeks (11 weeks 3 days lol) It showed I had a cyst that was 7cm long, which in my my opinion is massive. I have cramping from it, like stabbing pains but it's hard to distinguish whether it's stretching because of the baby growing or whether it's the cyst. Well yesterday when I went for 20 week scan, I found out I was having a boy witch was lovely, but the cyst has grown in 2 months to 10cm which is extra huge. Nobody is giving me advise of what to do with it, but the stenographer (sorry if thats spelt wrong lol) seemed concerned about it on both scans asking if i had any pain, when I said I did yday I told her I wasn't sure if it was pain due to everything growing or the cyst. She did not say anything else, but they've gave me two extra scans on in june and the other in July, thing is cyst is right next to babies sack of water so I am thinking it will properly burst as baby gets bigger. But then I worry, could it be cancerous? could it induce labour? and all these things, I know they sound silly but I'm a worrier anyway lol. Does anybody know what they will do about this cyst? thanks for advise everyone xx
Oh honey, what a worry for you! You wont get an answer on here, just advice to seek expert medical advice on this. Call your GP on Monday and explain what is happening. GP will then refer you to gynae who wil be able to answer all your questions. Im surprised the sonographer did not refer you at 12 week scan. I would worry too if it was me.:hug:
Cysts like this normally go own their own accord (like mine do) which is why they made no referral earlier and have now booked you a couple more, to keep an eye on it.

Don't forget hun, the Cyst is attached to the outside of your ovary, outside the womb, it's not 'attached' to the baby, placenta or amniotic sac.

Discuss it with your GP though.

I've had 8cm cysts which have stretched my womb to a size similar to 10-12 weeks pregnant (which I'm not, and have never been).

Look after yourself :)

Thank you, my next appointment with the midwife at my GP is on the 27th April, I will tell her then and see what her advise is, whether I should book a appointment with gp or not xx thanks :)
Big hugs Tasshh:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Not nice to have a worry like that. Can you not make an appointment to see you GP anyway just to ask them about it before seeing your midwife?
They will have just given you extra scans to be on the safe side.

Lots of people have cysts on their ovaries, a few have them removed whilst pregnant via keyhole but they don't seem to think that's a big deal either :hug:

Congrats on team blue xx
I had one on my right ovary which was found at my 12 weeks scan with my son. i had extra scans and consultant appointments to monitor it as they said if it grew 2 large and affected the baby or if they thought it might burst they would remove it while i was pregnant, otherwise it would be removed a few months after the birth. I was lucky that it didnt grow 2 big so they left it during the pregnancy. i ended up with a c-section and they removed it at the same time. It is common for ppl to have cysts that will go on their own but it depends what kind of cyst it is, some have to be removed and tested! your midwife should be able to fill u in. x
Thankyou everybody, that's helped me. At least I have some idea now of what could happen, my Doctor is rubbish haha x
Aw chick :hug: Sorry you're worrying :( x

Like others have said cysts normally go of their own accord. If they were worried about it being cancerous they would have told you (and they generally seem to tell people worst case scenario) and they would have booked an appointment to talk about options for treatment or screening x

Cysts I think are normally cause by hormones (either too much or too little) and when you're preg there are a lot of hormones flying about so this could be the case x

I had cysts on both my ovaries before I got PG caused by hormone imbalance. I was told I would either grow out of it, or they would disappear by themselves...It caused very painful periods/cramps and I went on the pill to stop them (and to prevent pregnancy!). I fell pregnant after switching pill and my GP reckons it was because the new pill made my cysts go away xx

I know it's hard but try not to worry hun x :hug: x
Thanks girls, I'm not worrying that much about it, it's just nobody at the hospital is telling me what could happen with it :(

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