Cycles after m/c


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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I'm on my 2nd cycle after m/c in Jan, and am not sure if everything is back to normal or not... I had a strong opk line 9 and 10 days ago followed by major ovulation pain, so normally I should be getting major pre-af symptoms by now (bloating, sore 'lady lumps')... but nothing. Same last month. I'm wondering if I'm not actually ovulating? :-(

Any similar experiences?

No sorry hun, didn't want to read n run. I hope you are bak to normal soon hun xx
Maybe you are pregnant? After all I have heard peoples fertility goes up breifly after mc?
Was gonna say that too, but she mentioned it happened last month too so wasn't sure....... :oooo:
Yeah I heard those stories - happened to a friend of mine - but feels just the same as last month...
We can hope though that our clouds have a silver lining :)
i hope your cloud does indeed have a very silver lining xx
All clouds do allegedly :hug: xxx We'll all drift over to tri 1 soon I reckon :) xx
Indeed lovely ladies, here's hoping we all drift over to tri 1 soon in a big silvery whisp over a rainbow
i hope so........we are having to not we have no idea whats going on in my body....have i ovulated, am i going to ovulate!!! so just waiting til af shows to be sure.....i would love to get bfp now...but i get married in approx 9 it would not be great i do need to shift some weight would love a bfp in may time if anyone is listening up there!!! xx
yeah.......but i hope you 3 ladies beat me to tri 1 by about 2 months....but can you keep seat warm for me and bean please? i want him/her to be extra comfy this time xx
No need for you to hang around here samsgirl! Nothing wrong with waddling down the isle with a 9 month belly on you :)
Yeh, imagine if you're wedding night is when your baby is born :love: how special. I read about that happening once :shock: xxx Throw caution to the wind and come join us and get an extra sticky and show your bump off with pride on your wedding day. If it's meant to be there is no stopping it anyway :lol: xx
yeah i know.......ha ha.....i dont think my dress would quite fit a 9 month bump.....maybe a 6 or 7 month one could squeeze in there though :) xx
Yeah, a BFP would surely be worth a slightly incongruous stretch panel ;-) hehe
Hey my symptoms have changed for Ov and during my cycle in general after each mc so u hope it is cos ur pg but maybe just be hormone are different.
Thanks MrcMc, hope you're doing ok xxx
I can say I noticed a difference in my cycle after drilling (the one where I got pg) and this one. In the first I knew when I was gonna ovulate cos of loads of ewcm (sorry tmi) but this time there was none. So I guess maybe mc does change the way things work for a while xx
Hey ladies, just butting in as usual :) I tracked my cycles after MMC in Nov, the first 2 were very funny, shorter than normal for me and never got a positive OPK. Then on 3rd cycle everything seemed to settle and got positive opk :) think my hormones were totally out of whack. Hope you all get your BFP soon, :)

Good luck ladies. xxxx

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