Crying over spilt pie


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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Yesterday I was feeling really good and decided to make an apple and blackberry pie to take to my parents where we were expected for Sunday dinner. It was the best (looking) pie I have ever made and I was sooooo proud of it! At my parents I got out the car and picked the pie up while OH was getting Lucy out and somehow - don't ask me how, but the pie ended up on the drive way! I just stood and stared at it almost in limbo between bursting into tears and laughing.

The only good thing was that my pyrex pie dish escaped unscathed. But I could cry about that pie. I'll bet it would have been amazing, and we had custard and cream too for it.

So that was my transition from 2nd to 3rd Trimester! BP (Before Pie) I was in a great mood, happy and looking forward to 3rd tri and AP (After Pie) I feel like anything could make me cry, and to top it all off I've got a killer head ache too!

So instead of feeling great about moving to tri3 I feel pants lol.
Awww, bless, I did find it quite funny :roll: Thinking of making another one? I'll eat it before you even have a chance to drop it :rotfl: Welcome to Tri 3! :hug:
It's funny now!! But at the time I was so close to blubbering lol!!

Thankfully my mum came out and cleaned it all up while I just watched and mourned the "pie that never was" :D
Aw here you go a welcome gift of pretend pie, not as tasty as yours would have been though...

Awww bless ya. I did giggle a bit when I read that tho :oops:

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