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Crying at night


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Hi all,
My baby sleeps all day and stays awake all night at moment and its exhausting both me and DH. If we leave her in her moses basket she will scream the house down so the only way we can keep her quiet is to cuddle her until she falls asleep. The only problem is as soon as we try put her back in moses basket she will cry and cry until we pick her back up again. Is there anything else we can try or do we just have to stick to keeping her in bed with us at night?
when millie was that age she did seem 2 sleep lots in the day and wake a lot at nite, it is early days yet. we had the moses basket right up against my side of the bed so she was very near us. hav u tried putting her in the basket and holding ur hand on her tummy for a bit? (its meant 2 make newborns feel more secure) all i can suggest is make sure she has a really full belly i always find that sends them off 2 sleep! good luck hope u get some rest!
hey snuggle having just got over it ican answer this!!! il send my mob number to you if you need some support as i know its not easy when your all dewsperately tired and want to get to sleep!
ours sleeps at night and is awake during the day lol

full belly i can get mine off to sleep. is your baby cold by any chance. i added another blanket to the cot and she seems to sleep better :)
Snuggle said:
Hi all,
My baby sleeps all day and stays awake all night at moment and its exhausting both me and DH. If we leave her in her moses basket she will scream the house down so the only way we can keep her quiet is to cuddle her until she falls asleep. The only problem is as soon as we try put her back in moses basket she will cry and cry until we pick her back up again. Is there anything else we can try or do we just have to stick to keeping her in bed with us at night?

Our daughter is the same

reading this post was like ive typed it lol
i know how it feels trust me :hug: if you need to talk im here hun
ive tried everything so cant give ya any tip my hv said keep her awake in the day and im like have you tried keeping a 8 week old baby awake lol
I did pm you snuggle but i have foubnd that imogen needs her full quota of milk a day and that means waking her every three hours for a feed, but he is sleeping better for it and i make my night feds quiter and darker and i dont change her nappy unless i have too.
Seemsto have worked.
yea i do my babys nappy about 9-11pm at night depends when she feeds just before one of those times i do it then i dont do it till like 9am or something.unless it really needs doing and she wont settle
:hug: Snuggle :hug:
Your LO's still only tiny and may just need extra reasurrence you're there, and she'll get that from your breathing and heartbeat when you hold her :) Have you thought about sleeping with her or bringing the moses basket closer to you in bed? Also put something that smells of you in her basket with her, even use one of your pillow cases as her mattress sheet (make sure she can't snuggle underneath it though), and even try warming her basket with a hot water bottle before putting her down (remove the water bottle before putting her down). I'm sure it will ease eventually, and very best wishes in the meantime :hug:
Hi all,

Thank you for your replies :D My HV has told me to try keep Maddison awake some of the day which is really hard as a tornado could hit our house and she still wouldnt stir :shock: I took Maddison into bed with us last night and she fell asleep right away. I woke her every 3 hours for feed and didnt talk to her, kept the light dimmed and didnt change her and she went straight back to sleep after feeds. My only worry is that she will only do this in our bed and wont settle in her moses basket. Is it ok to keep her in bed with us for a while as she is really tiny (4lbs 13oz) and think she just needs to be close to me at mo?
Thank you for your number mrs_tommo, I will be sure to contact you if it gets too much for me :hug:
Snuggle are you breast feeding or bottle feeding? We had the same problem with Ry and I asked the midwife for suggestions... she said to try swaddling in a blanket on top of our bed and then moving him when he's fallen asleep, or feed him/let him sleep on a firm not fluffy pillow and then lift him and the pillow into the moses basket. Also you could put something in the moses basket that smells like you? So far at some points we have given up and let him sleep in our bed with us but the same as you we don't want him to only sleep in our bed... so the other times we just rock him to sleep, put him in the moses basket swaddled, or we rest our hand on him until he's really settled. It sounds bad but a dummy may help? x
leckershell said:
Snuggle are you breast feeding or bottle feeding? We had the same problem with Ry and I asked the midwife for suggestions... she said to try swaddling in a blanket on top of our bed and then moving him when he's fallen asleep, or feed him/let him sleep on a firm not fluffy pillow and then lift him and the pillow into the moses basket. Also you could put something in the moses basket that smells like you? So far at some points we have given up and let him sleep in our bed with us but the same as you we don't want him to only sleep in our bed... so the other times we just rock him to sleep, put him in the moses basket swaddled, or we rest our hand on him until he's really settled. It sounds bad but a dummy may help? x

I had problems with Tia settling,...and I was told to swaddle her too.. It really worked... She was never a great sleeper, but it really helped... Also don't put them to bed in their moses basket/cot, or where they sleep at night, during the day. I used to put Tia to sleep on the floor during the day in the living room, TV on...etc... It helps to make a big distinction between day and night... Noisy and bright during the day, quiet and dark at night.... Getting a bed time routine in place is also desperately important...

I promise... It does get better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
When Austin was tiny I only managed to settle him by swaddling him and putting him on a pillow in his basket. He just liked the comfort of a soft pillow to lie on.
Thank you everyone, I am going to try a few of the suggestions and see if Maddison will settle in her moses basket tonight :pray:
I have put her in her glider today and am trying to rouse her now and then to keep her awake for a bit during day and for night time I will move her to moses basket. Will see how it goes.

Leckershell, I am bottle feeding her as she wouldnt latch unfortunately and I couldnt express enough feeds for her. Have tried a dummy but she just spits it out :roll:
We have also been having this problem with Amber, but have found that making sure she feeds during the day at regular times and lying her on our bed until she is asleep has worked. And last few nights she hasnt wanted to eat as much during the night which is a bonus.

I know how frustrating it can be and it really got me down a few nights as i was just so knakered!!!

Fingers crossed hun x
Jude was the same, swaddling worked with him, and sometimes I would lay him on his side as he'd cry if we put him on his back. I know it's not recommended but it worked. Make sure She's not too hot if you swaddle her. I only ever used one cellular blanket, as they do get warm when swaddled. Good luck, do try the dummy again, Jude took it eventually and it has been a real help in getting him to sleep.

Is she taking her night feeds? If she is draining bottles don't forget you can give her an extra ounce.

Lydia was the same when she was a baby. It lasted until she was 8 months old. Sorry I'm not very encouraging.
sorry luv I'm sure it wont be that long for you :wink:
Omg snuggle, im having the exact same problem with Ava! we are soooo tired! she wakes every hour but not for milk but for a cuddle, she falls straight to sleep soon as i cuddle her and as i put her back in the moses basket shes crying again! she sleeps all day and is as good as gold, wierd tho because she sleeps in the moses basket in the lounge just not in the bedroom!!! im reading all the tips you have been given and am going to try them all lol
A VERY TIRED saffy xxxxxxxxx
Let me know how you get on Saffy, I hope you get some sleep too :hug:

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