Crying... ALL the time...


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Hey guys... after some advice, suggestions, anything...

My son is now 4 weeks old. He has cryed constantly when awake since he was about 2 days old... I had a cesarian.

I breastfed for the 1st week, then changed to formula (he cryed when bf too). So bottles it was... he threw up practically every feed. So I changed to cow and gate comfort, this stoped him throwing up pretty much, still a bit, but hes a baby, they do throw up a lil bit. But he still crys all the time...

I use infacol, have tried gripe water... and am now putting colief in his bottles. But he still crys ALL the time.

He is very windy... and it does seem that he screams and crys when he is straining to get wind etc out of the bottom end. as well as all the time. I dont think he is constipated, as stools are soft, and he has one a day (tho I dont know how much he should have a day) and even tho its soft, mabey he could be constipated too.

Sometimes he will take his bottle, other times he will fuss and flap and not really take it, just writhing about it seems, constantly wiggling and crying.

I dont know what else to try - health visitor said.. 'you have a coliky baby' well thanks, but that dont help me much when he crys for 12 hours a day. A car ride will settle him though...

I have tried to put as much information in there as possible. Any odeas guys, anyone tried anything that worked? Colic, or reflux? I dont know... anything you can tell me would help...
Lil miss had colic extremely badly... and she still has really bad reflux...

Tbh there wasn't really anything that "cured" it except age... :think: We used to give lil miss tummy massages (you can be quite strong too.. just not too strong) I used to sling her chest to chest all the time which made her happier... and I would give camomile and fennel tea every single day... which calmed her stomach... but other than that nothing worked... not even a drive in the car...she would just scream more cos she was in pain and wasn't having cuddles... :cry:

It does get better but it takes time... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I do have a sling that was given to me, but really dont want to use it, as once he's over this (fingers crossed he does) I dnt want him used to being carried around all the time, or he wil not settle on his own.

Tried, dummys too, that dnt really seem to help. Oh and orange juice with water...

He just screams and crys and moans... surely if he's in pain theres something that can be done... and if hes not in pain then he wudnt be crying all the time...

:( I hate getting up in the mornings as I know what the day is going to hold...
Hi, could it be reflux or silent reflux?. My LO is currently on infant Gaviscon as he used to strain and arch his back etc . It does seem like symptons of reflux where babies are not always sick to have reflux. If u have tried all the other remedies it wouldnt hurt to maybe go to your gp and ask for some infant gaviscon- could definatly be worth a try !!
yes he is in pain. Colic hurts. Think about when you have a tummy upset and your insides are griping and the wind is so painful.

no there isn't a cure. I know that is not what youwant to hear but it is the truth.

Infacol helps some, gripe water or massage helps some, Some babies have an element of lactose intoelrance and are helped by colief - some aren't. So also have reflux - some don't.

Baby smile had reflux and colic - we gave him infant gaviscon which helped his reflux but made his colic worse!

It will get better but not until he is 10-12 weeks old - some a bit later - it is horrid but you will bth survive it. Slings are great - there is plenty of time to learn how to sleep on his own later - it is just too important to get through the next few months with your sanity and health intact - I speak as someone who was adamant he was gonna sleep in the cot for all naps from day 1 - that was not the cards we were dealt.

Our life got 100x better once we learnt to accept that and enjoy him for who he was - and then one day it just stopped. Turned off like a switch :) Hope it happens sooner rather than later for you :pray: but :hug: either way from a survivor.
awww i remember those days. driving round at 1am to asda to get him to sleep!! Sounds like youve tried everything :( all i can say is just sit him on ya lap and just keep winding him. you'd be suprised how much more he'll bring up. When my son was the same age he'd scream right through from one feed to the next (the worst at 7pm till about 1am!). I use to get loads of burps out inbetween which did help. sometimes i had to wind him for an hour before he relaxed sometimes it was 3 hours! your not alone! :hug:

It only disappeared just after he turned 4 months! As for the reflux im still waiting for that to go. every burp normally brings up some sort of present for mummy!
Just a thought - his testicles aren't stuck inside him are they? Apparently DH's nephew had a testicle stuck inside him as a baby and he cried constantly from the pain - health visitors told his mother he was just colicky, but it wasn't that, his ball was stuck.
I know they are supposed to check that.
Thanks for all the replies guys...

I do hope it just dissapears one day!!

Am going to try the infant gaviscon I guess, will take LO to the doctors monday, to check there is nothing wrong otherwise. As the health visitor did nothing but weight him, I dont believe she would have a clue if there was anything else wrong.

I dont want him in pain... after this, I think i'll have tried everything, and will just have to wait it out. Just cant believe in this day and age there is nothing that I can do/give him that will relieve his pain :(

He is gaining weight normally and at 3 weeks had gone from a birth weight of 7.75lb to 9.3lb, I dunno what he is now at 4wks 4days, but hes bigger.
:hug: :hug: :hug: to you hun, if it is colic or reflux you have lots of sympathy on here, its really hard but hang in there. I know what you mean about facing the day when all they do is cry and your arms and back end up killing you from all the rocking, bouncing,walking around, dancing etc.
We got infant gaviscon around 6 weeks after the doc saw LO arching and screaming at her 6 week check and it has made a difference, she just has it in one bottle of EBM once a day so I know she will be OK overnight and i use infacol before all the other feeds, I read somewhere that extra gas in their tums causes them to produce more acid as the body thinks there is more food in there than there actually is, but it seems to work accumulatively so takes a few days using it before you notice a difference.
Good luck at the docs, hope its not anything more serious than this, :hug: :hug: :hug:
have u got a swing ? it was the best thing i had for lelands colic and still settles him now if his whingy
You have just described exactly how Sam is right now.

I totally sympathise with you :hug: :hug:

I have no more advice to give sorry but I agree with everything else all the others have said.

I am so tired at the minute from his constant crying i'll be glad when this stage is over.
I bought a swing... thinking it may help as he likes to be kept moving... it dont help though :(

I think ill go out n buy a sling today, atleast then I may be able to get some ironing done, before I totally run out of clothes.

Booked an appointment for him at the doctors tomorrow, seems he has to be registered before I can get an appointment, and with all this crying and carrying on, we havent got round to that.

After looking into it, I think he may have reflux... silent reflux really, though he still brings milk up sometimes.

Anyone here have much experiance of this? and what did the doctor do? did it work, more importantly...?
I do have a sling that was given to me, but really dont want to use it, as once he's over this (fingers crossed he does) I dnt want him used to being carried around all the time, or he wil not settle on his own.

that is a myth, honestly your baby will not get used to being carried all the timre. I have carried my youngest since she was born and she now is so content to play in her gym, or lie there and watch the world go by. She has also cried less then my eldest, who I didn't carry all the time and her colic was less severe. Try the sling, it is a godsend.
... leaving now to buy one...

he can scream his way round mothercare... im past giving a damn!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: Hang in there, you're doing really well - have you got anyone to give you a break?
loz said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Hang in there, you're doing really well - have you got anyone to give you a break?

Yeah, my mum - luckly or not, we dont know... had a heart attack the week I went into labour, so shes signed off work for 3 months, and is dieing to babysit and send me out as much as possible. But not being able to drive makes that abit harder. (by the way, it wasnt a huge attack, and a quick opperation, giving up smoking, and watching the alcohol consumption and colesterol and shes fine...)
awww, i dont have any advice but i hope he settles soon! :hug:
I got colocynth crystals from boots pharmacy for Joe when he was a newborn. I found it worked, you could really feel the difference (as in he farted like a trumpet after getting them).

He was never really content but these helped.
beanie said:
I do have a sling that was given to me, but really dont want to use it, as once he's over this (fingers crossed he does) I dnt want him used to being carried around all the time, or he wil not settle on his own.

that is a myth, honestly your baby will not get used to being carried all the timre. I have carried my youngest since she was born and she now is so content to play in her gym, or lie there and watch the world go by. She has also cried less then my eldest, who I didn't carry all the time and her colic was less severe. Try the sling, it is a godsend.

hope you got a sling and it's helping hon. as beanie says, is a myth that they won't settle - when they're so little its a big comfort being close to their mummy (or daddy) and i believe it makes for a secure & happy baby. i've carried connor from birth and now its as if he's happy to be left in his cradle/play gym/bouncy seat cos he knows that i'm never going to be far away. he has quite bad reflux and the gaviscon has really helped.

hope you find a solution. its hard work when they cry lots :(

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