Constantly Crying

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Little Harry has been extremly ratty for 3 days now and is constantly crying, I feel like tearing my hair out :D
I dont know if it is colic as he had what I thought was this recently where he was tensing his tummy, holding his breathe, going red and grunting so we changed his feed on the advice of the doctor and it got better.
He has none of the above symptoms this time he is just constantly crying and want calm down even when we hold him and cuddle him.
Does anyone know what this might be??
Certainly does sound like colic. I can sympathise, it takes its toll on you and baby :hug:

Have you tried colic remedies? I found gripe water did nothing, but other ppl swear by it.
Infacol is good but can take up to 1 week to work.

Other than that, dummy really helped (even tho i didn't want to give one). And taking her out in the buggy, oh and a sling.

It will pass, its hard work but you are not alone.

Oh the other thing to try - if he still doesn't settle is to try Cow & Gate comfort or Aptamil Easy Digest (not sure if you are already on one of these). 5 days of Easy Digest and Phoebs was a different baby :hug:
Dylan was like this until a couple of weeks ago. He constantly cried no matter what we tried to do and tensed up, flinging his arms about etc.

We changed his feed from cow and gate 1 to aptamil easy digest but this made him worse and his poos changed from mustard yellow and soft to play dough type and green.

Therefore we were advised to go back to cow and gate 1 and use colief drops. These drops are available to buy over the counter or you can get them on prescription from your GP. You add the drops to his feed and it breaks down the lactose in the formula, making it easier for them to digest and less wind.

Dylan is great on this. Although it's a pain to make the bottles up it is very much worth it.

Hope little Harry is contented soon xx
awww sounds like colic. It does pass. my sons disappeared within the week he turned 4 months. To be honest to some extent you just have to put up with a bit of a miserable baby for a few months, my son was an absolute nightmare but these are the few things i did to just calm him down when he was having a "moment"

Make sure he had his blanky and dummy.
Carry him on my shoulder and rub his back while he screamed at me lol :roll:
ALWAYS burped him after ever 1 or 2oz
Kept him upright over my shoulder after every bottle for at least half an hour

I basically just had to keep winding him till all the burps were up. He was worse between 5pm and 3am any feed between those times was a nightmare. He'd normally scream for up to an hour, 3 was the longest :sleep: i managed to bring up wind 17 times in that 3 hours before he settled. Just keep cuddling and rubbing their back till they calm down, hard work, horrible stage but it does pass!

I did try every medicine possible but what always worked eventually was winding. Also swapping him to cow and gate comfort made a dramatic improvement. I still swear by it now.

Good luck :hug:
Yep, sorry to say it but it does sound like the dreaded colic. There is no sugar coating it.. it is HORRIBLE and HARD to deal with but it DOES get better (around week 12/13).

Try the usual remedies such as Infacol, warm baths, tummy massage etc and see how you go but generaly its just something you have to ride out xxxxxx
Our freedom sling was an absolute godsend with lil miss during this stage.... Its really easy to use for new users and you can pop them in it in an instant. The lotus hug carry was the best one... It was like being pregnant again and she loved that... I could also be naked and her just in a nappy and she got skin to skin... It relieved my arms...and I still could get on with doing things like brushing Tias hair, the washing up... :)

I tried everything else...nothing worked.
First Baby White said:
I dont know if it is colic as he had what I thought was this recently where he was tensing his tummy, holding his breathe, going red and grunting so we changed his feed on the advice of the doctor and it got better.

That sounds more like he was trying to poo or break wind than colic to me tbh. My LO did this most times he was trying to break wind or poo.

What you are describing now with the crying sounds more like colic. Are you using some form of colic relief? Start it asap and see if it helps. Might need a few days to kick in.

Tummy rubs are good. Tummy tub can help colic also. Also LO sucking on a dummy helped us loads. You bottle feed now don't you? So it can't hurt to let him suck on a dummy. Also check and see the teats you use are not letting him take in too much air and causing excess wind perhaps? If screaming during/after a feed don't let him keep comfort sucking on his feed if he has had enough. If its colic that will only make it worse. Let him suck on a dummy if you use one.

And also lots of close contact with you should be soothing.

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