crazy dreams!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2008
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i keep having dreams where i'm yelling at someone, or hitting them and going completely psycho, and i've shouted out in my sleep a couple of times so O/H says. i think my hormones r coming out in my dreams! and my dreams have been so vivid, last night i had a dream that my O/H lost all his money on a bet that didnt go his way so i was distraught about that and then my scan letter arrived and they said that because they scanned me at 8 wks and everything was fine then, that they arent gonna scan me until 16wks arrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!! so i went to the hosp and started screaming at the receptionist saying "do you know how long i've been waiting to have this 12 week scan, 12 weeks thats how long!! and now you're telling me i have to wait another 4! do you know how difficult its been for me trying not to worry that something might be wrong?! i want a scan and i want one now!!!" unsurprisingly i was asked to leave and was still refused a scan. i woke up all panicky cuz it felt so real!! the night before i had a dream that i'd been asked to pay £10 for the work xmas party, which i had already paid, but my boss, adamant that i hadnt, snuck into my bag and took it for herself anyway so i ended up screaming at her and i slapped her, then she put me in detention, which was weird as i work in retail. i get on really well with my boss in real life so its really odd. god knows what tonight will bring in the way of dreams :S
anyone else having weird dreams???
Wow, weird dreams!!! :dance:

I've been having really vivid and odd dreams too. A couple of night ago, there were some baddies after my dad and they got into our house, so we all hid but they found him and shot him in the head :shock: and then burnt our house down with us in it! They didn't even look like my real family but they had the same names :lol:

It's mad what those dastardly hormones can do!

very weird and scary dreams :hug: i had a dream last night that my baby was born and was having bad allergic reactions to my dog, and we had to get rid of the dog, i have had him for ten years since he was a puppy, i woke up almost in tears and my OH had a dream that i was going to go traveling and was been all weird and wouldn't tell him if i was taking the baby or leaving it with him, bless him. hope the dreams stop for all of us :hug:
I had a dream last night that I was on a course that started at 1:30am every morning :shock: I was sharing a room with an old work colleague and she was moaning all the time because I was up breastfeeding my baby all the time :lol: I was then in a room full of computers and and everyone was getting things wrong and crashing the computers and I went mental. One of the girls stood up and said 'calm the f*ck down' right in my face so I head butted her and then beat her up :shock: :shock:
So far i've had two dreams about losing my handbag, one that hubby was cheating on me and one that he sold my car without me knowing! I must have subconscious insecurities! I had a scary one where I was breastfeeding my baby but just decided to leave it wedged in my top so I could get on with tidying the house. I then forgot about it and found that it had nearly suffercated!
Remember two dreams from last night:

a) Gave birth early
b Was wandering round town an hour after giving birth with my baby, OH and his rugby pals trying to find milk :|
Snuggle said:
I had a dream last night that I was on a course that started at 1:30am every morning :shock: I was sharing a room with an old work colleague and she was moaning all the time because I was up breastfeeding my baby all the time :lol: I was then in a room full of computers and and everyone was getting things wrong and crashing the computers and I went mental. One of the girls stood up and said 'calm the f*ck down' right in my face so I head butted her and then beat her up :shock: :shock:
lol i had a good laugh at this one snuggle at least i know i'm not the only one going psycho in my dreams lol. i wouldnt mind the crazy dreams so much if they didnt feel so real, i was actually doubting myself this morning thinking i had already received the scan letter when in actual fact i'm still waiting for it to arrive, which makes it even more worrying cuz now i keep thinking "oh god what if my dream came true and they said they wont scan me until 16 wks!" arrrrrgh
*lizz* said:
Snuggle said:
I had a dream last night that I was on a course that started at 1:30am every morning :shock: I was sharing a room with an old work colleague and she was moaning all the time because I was up breastfeeding my baby all the time :lol: I was then in a room full of computers and and everyone was getting things wrong and crashing the computers and I went mental. One of the girls stood up and said 'calm the f*ck down' right in my face so I head butted her and then beat her up :shock: :shock:
lol i had a good laugh at this one snuggle at least i know i'm not the only one going psycho in my dreams lol. i wouldnt mind the crazy dreams so much if they didnt feel so real, i was actually doubting myself this morning thinking i had already received the scan letter when in actual fact i'm still waiting for it to arrive, which makes it even more worrying cuz now i keep thinking "oh god what if my dream came true and they said they wont scan me until 16 wks!" arrrrrgh

:lol: Dont worry hun, you will definitely get scanned before 16 weeks :hug:
I dont know what it is that makes us go psycho in dreams, I woke up and was still really mad with the poor girl I headbutted in my dream :lol:
lol i was still very angry at the useless receptionist when i woke up, i wish i'd headbutted her, lol! :evil:
i think my hormones r definitely coming through in my dreams, if i was like that whilst awake i'd be banned from going out in public i think lol
although during the day at the mo my hormones seem to have made me like a dithery old lady with a poor short term memory so O/H reckons i shouldnt be allowed out in public cuz i'll probably forget what i went out for and start telling random strangers my life story. :lol:

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