Crazy Crying!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Ok girls my hormones have officially gone crazy!! Over the last few days ive cried uncontrollably over nothing! Literally ive just felt the need to cry or have felt abit sad but for absolutely no reason!? Also today me and my OH were in McDonalds and he said he wasnt really hungry so i ended up walking out of McDonalds upset?? It seems funny now but he was like :| whats wrong and all i could answer was i dont know! I started proper crying like sobbing my heart out over nothing?!! This is freaking me out, i really need to know if any1 else has experienced this as im usually a very chilled out person and so having these emotional outbursts have got me quite confused especially as im really happy at the moment! x
It is normal, totally. I've had one or two of these, one after a row with the bank, which in hindsight was kind of rational, but even when I was telling MIL I was sobbing. It is funny now!
its all normal hun, bloody hormones. just wanted to give you these aswell :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh good! Thanks for the reassurance girls :hug: feel better knowing its not jus me lol xx
Aww it's not just you hun :hug: !! It's so normal unfortunately :(

My brother was meant to follow me home on Sunday from my dad's (I was in my car and he was on his moped) and I wanted HIM to follow ME because I knew I'd be a nervous wreck being behind him. But he wanted to be in front and when I got in my car (in a strop) and he sped off in front, I was really p*ssed off about it and got all tearful and in a mood lol It's crazy but wierd things like that happen to us all! :hug: xx
Totally normal hun!!

I cried over MaccyDs too coz they wouldn't let me use the toilet! I cried coz we needed a new washing up bowl. And I've cried coz I couldn't fit in to my trousers. I think I've even cried over my lack of runny dippy eggs!!

I nearly cried the other day when a taxi driver tried to insist that I should NOT refer to the traffic lights outside my flat as traffic lights, I should be more precise and call it a 'pedestiran crossing' ooooh if I wasn't so tired he would have got the full effects of my water works...or my right fist!!
:twisted: :lol:
I nearly cried at my sisters concert the other day....everyone was talking at me like I was a 11year old. REEEAAALLY patronizing! These are the ones that don't know me and don't know my the point where my sister Introduces her little brother and little sister and they make more of a "awwww such a cute little sister" fuss out of me than they do talk to my brother who is 6years younger than me!

Soon shut them up when the vicar started asking "are you going to be a flower girl for your sister at her wedding" and I said no and she asked why didn't I want to be one and I told her I would be 8months pregnant. :twisted:
I keep crying over weird stuff too. Your definately not alone hun.

LOL @ nickilubs, bet the vicar's face was a picture!!
As other ladies have mentioned, your not alone.

Last weekend I was really bad with it... I went home from mum and cried cos she did a pie for sunday dinner and I really wanted roast beef....

I cried cos my mate didnt text me back instantly, and left it 2 hours!!!

Find it all extremely funny now and thank god no one saw me.

xx :rotfl:
I cried on Sunday cos my dh wouldn't let me stop off at B&Q on the way to his brothers. Now that is something I never imagined happening and hope I will never do again!
:rotfl: Im so glad im not alone with this then, i thought i was going crackers or something! Thanks for sharing your stories too girls, i hope next time i at least have some tissues on me :hug: :lol: :hug: xx
Aww - I was crying last week.

This week I am just REALLY IRRITATED by everything. Am sure I have a perpetual scowl on my face!

You should have heard the language this morning when I had to reverse 50 metres back up a lane because a lorry driver flashed me to come forward and then changed his mind and forced his way through. Luckily I managed to stop myself flipping him the finger as he went by.

Am going to have a loooong, relaaaaxing bath and think happy thoughts.
I cried at Legend that we went to see a day before we found out I was pregnant - it's a zombie movie and not really that sad (except for the bit with the dog) but I cried all the way through it. I kinda thought I was pregnant then as it is very unlike me.

A co-worker also made me cry by suggesting that I may have to give up my dog after the baby arrives :( There is no way I'm doing that!

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