Crazy but...


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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My little girl is curled up on my chest asleep after a feed and this sounds mad but she is so lovely and gorgeous and cute I still can't believe she is MINE!! And I don't have to give her back!!! Ok, hormonal mummy moment over with...
awwww i get this with max when hes all snuggled up on me! its an amazing feeling isnt it!

wish it still felt like that when they cry and keep us up all night lol xxx
Feelin like that now with Henry feeding and goin into milky dreams :D
I miss Sophie being a little baby :(! She's growing too quick. I'm actually getting so broody it's untrue!! And I've been adamant for weeks we aren't having another!
I get like this when Bertie is asleep in my arms after a feed. Until he poops and then he belongs solely to his father lol
My best friend told me she was pregnant again this week and I was so jealous!! Went home and told hubby I want a football team!! Lol Evie isn't even 5 weeks old yet!!
My best friend told me she was pregnant again this week and I was so jealous!! Went home and told hubby I want a football team!! Lol Evie isn't even 5 weeks old yet!!

When we start to dtd again, which at this rate won't be until next year lol I won't be preventing. That feeling of seeing them for the first time is definitely addictive!
Part of me wants to sort my career out first but the other part of me wants to not get re-jabbed in June as it took me nearly a year last year for the jab to stop working but at the same time I want to enjoy Sophie to the full before I have another taking up my time.
corrr you're all brave!!! i can just about handle one!

give me 5 years.... then maybe.....

but you're right BB nothing will ever beat the feeling of seeing them for the first time xxxx
:love: I have moments like that. X

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Eeek I also keep having those moments. H was curled up on me before like a little bug so cute could of stared at him for hours xx
Hannah was sat on mums knee wrapped in a towel after her bath and just her little face poking out. So cute!

While I was typing that. Same 'cute' child just did two of the loudest farts ever while asleep in her basket next to me. Lol xx
Im broody again too and my friends have just had newborns :)

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