
Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Just trying to find out who has had the strangest cravings.

My friend craved chalk when she was pregnant 11 years ago, and would it eat it by the bucket load, (used to get these fat chalk sticks in a plastic bucket).

i havent really craved anything abnormal in any of my 3 pregnancies.

I haven't had any cravings but a close friend of mine used to suck on bath sponges? And she knew of someone who used to lick the spout at the petrol pump :? yuck!
i craved sponges on my son, it was mad.

I had to have at least 5 to 10 sponges in each room of the house, and i would walk around all day with those round baby sponges in each hand, i would even sleep with them!

i took them everywehre with me and even in hospital with me while i gave birth, as soon as i had him the craving went away, was very strange!

still, it was better than food cravings, i craved dime bars on my daughter, was having about 5 or 6 a day :shock:
lol nooo, just held them, i had to have them around me at all times to feel them, never ate them, yuk! lol
My friend had to have hers soaking wet and she used to sit and suck the moisture out of them. :?: :lol:
i did used to take them in the bath with me but i never sucked the water out of them. i just loved the feel of them, im scared to go near a sponge now tho incase it bring it all back and i go strange again lol
Layla, i will check your wedding piccies to see if you are carrying anything strange in your hands lol

and as for sucking the moisture out of sponges, yuck.
No weird food cravings - but again sponge does it for me. But to chew on! It's the texture against my tongue! I could also rub my toothbrush against the side of my tongue for hours!! :lol:
My friend has just had a baby and she craved sucking on sponge too. She chewed the sponge off the microphone on her headset for the phone at work lol!
I have a mad craving for dried crackers!! :?

God knows why!!

I like anything with a strong smell, i used to use Tipex a few weeks ago so i could smell it!! Nail polish remover, lemon washing up liquid anything like that- and i must admit i was partial to a bit of sponge smelling :oops: It is the smell of new bath sponges i like, and wet sponges in the bath

I could never eat one thought!! Lol
I wonder if they are fattening! Lol

:D :D :D
no particular cravings, apart from philadelphia cheese! am not getting fed up of it! cheese, cheese, cheese!!!!!!!!! :lol:

mel xx
I was originally Philadelphia, piled high on Crackers!!

Now it's just the crackers!

As i said earlier not had any really strange cravings but i have liked curry sauce and chips from the Chinese for all 3 pregnancies.

Fizzy fanta or tango in the day and milk at night, but milk gives me heartburn so I have to be careful.
UMMMM Orange Fanta!!!!

Brought some yesterday but I can only have about 3 cups a day because of my heartburn :(

Haven't really had any food cravings. I used to always want chips and gravy during my first trimester. Also went a bit mad on Walkers Crisps for a while but these days I don't really have an appitite to be honest :(
Might be because my stomach has been pushed up into my throat and my stomach acids are having hourly parties!! :?

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