Everyones different with ov tests, some people get barely a second line until one day when they get a blazing positive, other people get a gradual build up to a positive, personally I get a gradual build up, Im on cycle day 9 today and have got a second line, although its nowhere near a pos I estimate it to be pos in about 4 or 5 days, best thing to do is test again tomorrow and see if the line has gotten a little darker, then again the day after, keep an eye on your cervical fluid aswell, when my ov tests are close to positive thats when my fertile fluid comes in so thats when I know my ovulation is right around the corner, I get all kinds of random pains around ovulation, I know other people do to, it could be the follicles growing ready to release an egg, then the release of the egg itself, I never noticed them though until I started TTC, I think some mild cramps and twinges at any point throughout the cycle can be normal and probably mean your body is gearing up to do something