

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I'm just coming up to 8 weeks, and soo nervous i'll miscarry. I know this is a time when a lot of m/c can happen. I've had a bit more cramping these last couple of days than usual, and it's making me so nervous and convinced something will go wrong. All my other symptoms are still strong, but i can't help but worry.
Any one else had a bit of cramping around the 8 week mark? I'm driving myself mad with worry....
Hi Hun

I have had some cramping the past few days but I really am putting it down to everything that is going on inside and stretching etc.

I know it's easy for me to day but please try not to worry and just relax hun.

Take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have too funnily enough! Not so much today but alot last night and the night before.
hiya :wave:

im not at the 8 week mark yet but i had cramping at 4 and 8 weeks when i would of had my normal period with all of my others, i know its scary hun but try not to worry its just your body stretching a preparing for your growing baby :hug: :hug: xx
I cramped constantly through the 1st and 2nd tri's - it's all very normal. It's your uterus stretching :) xxx
I have cramping on occassion, but it's due to trapped wind. At first I was slightly concerned until I realised what it was. I had lots of mild cramping early on which made me think I might be pregnant in the first place. I think you only need to worry if it gets really uncomfortable.
Don't worry too much, the chances are it's all perfectly normal :)

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