Cramping fears


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2005
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Hello I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I am experiencing cramping pain like Im going to start my periods. I am so scared of miscarrying. If I was going to miscarry would I bleed first or can you miscarry without a bleed.
Has anything like this happened to anyone or is anybody experiencing cramping pains in the early stages. Is this normal or do you think I should get checked out?
Thankyou so much.
Hi Jac

I had a miscarriage in Feb this year...I will let you know what happened: I was 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant and had a lot of late nights in work (I am a Drama teacher and it was our school production, of all weeks!). During the production, I felt dizzy a couple of times but I ignored it although my hubby was nagging me to go home to rest. A few days later, I had such bad cramp that it made me drop to my knees with the pain. I started to spot immediately and then I got into bed and put my feet up. I had another TERRIBLE stomach pain and had to go to the toilet where upon I had the runs... I started to bleed alot of bright red blood and knew in my heart that this was not the "spotting" other people talk about. I then started to shake and sweat and my DH took me to hospital. I lost the next day (big clots). PLEASE CAN I JUST SAY THAT MANY PEOPLE I KNOW HAVE EXPERIENCED CRAMPING IN THE EARLY STAGES BUT IT HAS NOT LED TO A MISCARRIAGE.......MY CRAMPING WAS SOOO SEVERE I KNEW IT WAS NOT NORMAL...IT TOOK MY BREATH AWAY.....
PLEASE TRY TO RELAX (easier said than done)... Lay down, put your feet up and watch a good film. We are still trying to conceive after my loss in March, which is really frustrating..but I know when I catch again I will be a nervous wreck. Just let nature take it's course - GOOD LUCK!
Sorry Jac

To answer your final question: If you are not comfortable with the situation, get it checked out. The only problem I had with this is that because I went to the hospital, they did an internal which made me bleed and cramp more - I don't know if this brought on my m/c further or not (don't want to think about it or I will go mad). Your best bet it to lay down...hospitals don't really do alot at this stage so don't go getting up to go to one. I telephoned my doctor before going to hospital who calmed me down a little bit...........Please let me know what happens xxxxxxx
Hi Julia
I too miscarried in Feb this year and I was only slightly bleeding but I went into the hospital and they gave me an internal and pushed up really high and when she took her hand away I immediately started to miscarry. I like yourself am very angry over that and believed that is what caused my miscarriage. It is horrible to think about it.
Thankyou so much for replying. The pain or the cramps are mainly in my back and I feel quite hot too but have no bleeding and the cramps have been continuous now for about 8 hours.
Its the waiting I hate too and I dont want to go rushing to the doctor or the hospital
Thanks once again. Be looking out for you as I know you are trying to get pregnant. Good luck.
All my love

Just a final note (although I am no expert). It sounds positive because 8 hours is a long time to have cramps with no bleeding...usually, if you were to miscarry it would have surely started by now. Three women that I know had cramping most months and went through the same worry as you. One had a slight bleed but it led to nothing. Cramping is usually a sign of the ligaments etc moving and strecthing to accomodate your little bun. Please keep your chin up because I honestly believe that you send vibes throughout your body which actually reach the growing baby - let them be positive vibes, not vibes of panic.

You actually give me great hope that we will conceive again soon (hopefully). Did you try each month after your first upset (m/c)? I cannot understand why it has not happened again for us.......any tips you care to share??

Look after yourself - I will look out for your post tommorrow or the next day (whenever)...POSITIVE MIND, POSITIVE BOD!!! xxx

I am off to bed now...BD is tiring me out! :shock:
hi there!

just wanted to share my experience, but don't take it for an expert's, of course!

I discovered I was pregnant at 6 weeks, and basically, had horrible cramps in the right hand side of my lower tummy. I went to see my GP, and she sent me to hospital, as she thought it could be an ectopic pregnancy (when the baby is not in the womb, and it cannot survive and it's actually dangerous for the mum). At the hospital, they did an internal check and I bleeded heavily, but they said it came from the cervix, so i sould not worry to much, unless it does not stop. well, of course, I was worried!!!!!!!!
2 days later, I had an early scan, to check the position of the baby, and it was fine, we even saw the heartbeat! great moment!
I strated relaxing and my tummy pains got much less.
2 days ago, I started to have bigger cramps again, but did not worry much. my cramps don't resemble the pain your get when you're about to have periods, they are proper cramps. yesterday though, I started spotting, wich had never happened to me!
so I got REALLY worried big time! i called my midwife and she advised me to get checked at the a&e, which I did.
They took a urine sample, checked my tummy, and sent me back home, saying it should be fine. I just need to keep an eye (obviously!!!) and come back if I start bleeding heavily.
so, the cramping, even quite strong, did not seem to be over worried about it. the heavy bleeding seems to be the criteria they're after!

hope this helps.
keep it up, and, I know it does not help (it would net help me eitehr, but...) if you m/c, it's probably better for the baby and yourself...

Take care,

Melhoney xx
In the early stages of pregnancy it is normal to feel cramping, it is where your uterus is starting to stretch, I am still getting this stretching pains and will do until the little joy inside decides its ready to come and meet me!!!

Try not to panic, and get stressed out, that will not help you or the new baby!
Hope everything goes well, take care

Natalie x
Thankd girls. The cramping lasted just 2 days with no bleeding. I got my dates wrong too. I am only 5 weeks and 4 days today, when i thought that I should be 6 weeks instead....ah well.....Thanks again.

Don't panic - it's probably implantation. I miscarried in Jan with no cramps or bleeding and this pregancy is fine and I had cramps and spotting until 10 weeks :?
This time I had awful back ache and period-type pains until 7 weeks and I was told it was just the baby emedding itself so don't panic. That said if you bleed see your doctor straight away.

Good luck
Thanks louise for that. The cramping did stop, now it is back again....cant win. There is no bleeding but i also miscarried wothout a bleed or pain last year so I no it can happen like that too but usually all the syptons of the pregnancy disappear when it is a missed miscarriage. I still have symptons so I guess things are ok.
Thankyou once again....people are so lovely on here.
Love Jacqui.
hi, girls,
would you mind sharing your experience of miscarriage without bleeding, please?
I am worried myself that it might be happening to me, but I thought that bleeding was "a must" when miscarrying!
Apparently, it's not, so, I would be very grateful if you could explain me.
I am sorry to ask that, I know it's not a nice experience...
Hi experience of a miscarriage without bleeding was like this......I was 7 and a half weeks pregnant at the time I didnot feel pregnant anymore. My boobs stopped hurting almost immediately as though something had died inside. I had no pain at all. I went to the hospital and they scanned me and told me that the baby had died at 5+ weeks but it took my body 2 weeks to get over the symptons of my pregnancy. So I had no idea I had miscarried. It was me losing all feelings in my boobs that did it.
Why do you think it may be happening to you ?
Let me know asap.
All my love Jacqui.
Thanks Jacqui, for replying to me so quickly!
You can imagine how I feel!

Well, it's probably nothing, but since last sunday, I have not felt any nausea, whereas it used to be quite strong (only vomit twice on Friday and saturday), and on Tuesday, I had some soptting, for the first time!
Yesterday, my breast was not hurting much and it's only today that I have felt a bit of nausea and my breast got sour again a little bit, but not as strongly as before...

I went to A&E on Tuesday evening, but they only touched my tummy,and sent me back home just asking to come back if I was bleeding.

I am off for 5 weeks holidays to Pakistan on saturday and my next scan is on the 31st of August...a very long way.
I am thinking of having a scan done over there, in Pakistan, but hesitate because I am not sure it is very safe!

It's probably me worrying for nothing, like most of us, but as the Dr seemed to see heavy bleeding as THE criteria and you said you did not, I got a bit confused...
Will let you know if I do a scan, anyway.
Hope everything is fine for you! Thanks again for talking about it!

Mel xx
All pregnancies are different, I had 2 miscarriages last year the first I just bled and the miscarriage was over with, the second, I was 10 weeks pregnant but when I went for a scan they said the baby had died at 6 weeks yet I still had all the symptoms of pregnancy the whole 4 weeks the baby had not been alive. Even after the D and C I still had symptoms for about 4 days. If you are worried about going on hiliday why don't you try and speak to your gp about a scan before you go to pakistan, but don't worry until there is something to worry about as its no good for the baby. Some women have no symptoms of pregnancy at all so just goes to show that everyone is different. Good luck and have a good holiday
Tracy x
Thanks Tracy,

I think I am just going to try and relax and have a scan in Pak. I am a worrier, and I know it's not good for the baby...On holiday, I'll probably be able to relax :)

will keep people informed, anyway:)

Take care,

Mel xx
hiya guys,
i am not pregnant but i am trying, i have had cramps and niggles in my tummy for the past couple of days and have alot of wind, could i be preggy? write back xxxx

I have experienced cramping like a period on and off sometimes all day, but just latly it has subsided and I am now experiencing, quite hard to explain but I feel as though my legs dont feel mine, they ache constantly and I find going upstairs a struggle (they really ache)

This morning I nearly fell over when entered some steps to my works building and had to steady myself.

I am not due until tuesday and I have booked a Doctors appointment for Monday to get checked out either way, but i wondered if anyone else felt this sensation?

I am quite worried as I have never experienced this before.


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