CP Advice


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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So I am in the middle of a cp at the moment.

Got my BFP last Thursday or so. Wasn't a squinter or anything, was definitely there on two separate brands of tests. Also got multiple BFPs (sadly fading) over the weekend following.

I had a cp back in December and it was a nightmare. The bleeding was really heavy, not much pain but the hormone loss was also very pronounced. The timescale is about the same, both times I was between 4-5 weeks gone.

Now I need some advice with regards to this time.

The bleeding has been nothing more than regular AF. I have had cramps but nothing a hot water bottle didn't solve. I had one or two days of being very emotional but I feel perfectly normal now. I would say that I only have another 48 hours or less of actual bleeding left in me.

Is this just a 'not as bad' cp? (I use "" marks as no loss is good obviously).

I was expecting something a lot worse and I am well confused.....

And no I'm not going to my GPs. I don't like to waste peoples time when I can just suck it up and get one with something myself! Unless I feel like something is just about to explode I prefer to sort myself out :)

If this is just how it is sometimes then I'd like to know as I'm currently waiting for something much worse to hit!

Thank you in advance for your advice <3
Hi wolfmama sorry I have no experience in cp but didn't want to read and run. Had a mmc last year so no how devastating any loss is. Thinking of u and hoping u get a sticky bean soon. Hopefully someone with more experience will comment to help x
Hi .. I had a cp on 13th Feb. It was four days in total. One light day followed by a really heavy day with clots and then it slowed down after the clots. I didn&#8217;t need pain killers. I did go for a scan but that&#8217;s because we thought we were further ahead . My bloods came back negative. If I hadn&#8217;t test when I did.. I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;d have realised I was pregnant x
Hi Wolfmama, really sorry you&#8217;re going through another CP. I had two back to back last year, like you the first one was awful, heavy and painful but the second one was hardly anything in comparison. I was also confused but it never turned into anything more and never became as worse as the first one. CPs are such a rollercoaster anyway it&#8217;s frustrating when even your body doesn&#8217;t respond to it the same way each time. Whatever happens for you, look after yourself and hope you get your sticky bean soon xx
Thanks ladies. Just so I know that it can happen like this.

Looking forward to it being over.
I am currently in the middle of one as well. Tested lasted Tuesday... same story as you.

This past Tuesday, I had brown blood in the morning.

Wednesday morning, I woke up to pinkish red blood that lasted all day but was fairly light but cramped all day (the same cramping that I had felt the week before, nothing worse). I was really moody and cried over what I wanted for dinner.

Thursday morning was still there and stayed through the afternoon with me and had very little cramping. I am no longer moody and lost ALL symptoms..

I took a FRER this afternoon and right away it was negative... I was devastated to say the least.

I can't say it will get better but I feel you right now Wolfmamma. Hang in there
I am currently in the middle of one as well. Tested lasted Tuesday... same story as you.

This past Tuesday, I had brown blood in the morning.

Wednesday morning, I woke up to pinkish red blood that lasted all day but was fairly light but cramped all day (the same cramping that I had felt the week before, nothing worse). I was really moody and cried over what I wanted for dinner.

Thursday morning was still there and stayed through the afternoon with me and had very little cramping. I am no longer moody and lost ALL symptoms..

I took a FRER this afternoon and right away it was negative... I was devastated to say the least.

I can't say it will get better but I feel you right now Wolfmamma. Hang in there

Oh I'm sorry you're having to go through this too sweetie. Sucks doesn't it?

Thinking about you xx
I am currently in the middle of one as well. Tested lasted Tuesday... same story as you.

This past Tuesday, I had brown blood in the morning.

Wednesday morning, I woke up to pinkish red blood that lasted all day but was fairly light but cramped all day (the same cramping that I had felt the week before, nothing worse). I was really moody and cried over what I wanted for dinner.

Thursday morning was still there and stayed through the afternoon with me and had very little cramping. I am no longer moody and lost ALL symptoms..

I took a FRER this afternoon and right away it was negative... I was devastated to say the least.

I can't say it will get better but I feel you right now Wolfmamma. Hang in there

Oh I'm sorry you're having to go through this too sweetie. Sucks doesn't it?

Thinking about you xx

It sure does, just when you get your hopes up, they are ripped away..

Thank you and as am I for you xx

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