Cp still up?????


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I am due for the dreaded AF in approx 3/4 days. I have checked my CP again and it is still high and hard (but going a little softer). I don't understand this because I thought at this stage it was meant to be low and hard? Is this a sign?????? (I HOPE SO). I have no other symptoms though... :cry:
Good luck Julia, it may be a sign, im not too sure about all that, why dont you try and not read into the signs so much , try and relax and not think too much about it (i know this is probably very hard) and before youknow it it will happen, i think for most women it happens when they least expect it. good luck and lots of baby dust your way, hope this is your month x
Thanks Lauz - you are right...it is much better to relax. It has happened for me once before (I had m/c in march). I was relaxed then because I just assumed it would take a long time to conceive (it was only two months). But now I am all stressed because I want it to happen soooo much xxxxxxxxxxx

Just c/p sth that I found on the web: (you may have already seen it!)

***For women who track their cervical position in order to determine fertility, many wonder if there correlation between the position of the cervix and early pregnancy.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a simple answer for all women. The position of the cervix during pregnancy does change but not at the same time in all women.

After ovulation, your cervix will drop lower in your vagina and feel firm, like the tip of your nose. During pregnancy, the cervix will rise a bit and become softer, but the timing of this happening will vary from woman to woman. For some, this will happen shortly before their period is due, but for other, this will not happen until quite a while after their pregnancy has been confirmed.

Due to this variation between women, checking the position of your cervix to determine pregnancy is not a reliable indication of whether or not your are pregnant. More reliable ways to find out if you are pregnant is take a sensitive home pregnancy test or by visiting your doctor for a pregnancy blood test.***

Here's the link http://www.babyhopes.com/articles/cervi ... nancy.html

Reading about cervical position as a secondary method to track your fertile days, I clearly remember that you must not check your cervix too often daily as 1) it may move upwards/downwards depending on your bladder or your bowels position 2) most importantantly, you may cause an irritation.

Try to relax and be patient (hard huh?)
Update us on any news you may have

Hoping it's your month
Hi Julia

Thanks for your reply. My cervix is still high but now going soft and i have 2 days before my period is due. I am though getting the dreaded pains that love to arrive at the most inconvienient times. I have slight cramps now and no sickness but my boobs still hurt, only when i touch them though.
I have looked into the cervix almost all over the net but like the girl said above the cervix can move. If you push, your cervix will actually come very low and that disappointed me, then it went back to the high position.
I still have the white mucas and i thought we dry up if a period is due.
It does however make you feel better when you find out others are in the same boat.
Keep me updated
Love Jacqui
Thanks all

I now have some 'zinging sensations' occasionally in my nipples and also my excema has got alot worse (which happens anyway from time to time, although it was getting better.) My temperature has risen from 36.2 to 36.8 (although I just unloaded shopping). My CM is very wet (sorry) and I feel a bit sweaty betty!!!!!! I am not getting my hopes up AGAIN...just trying to focus on NOT being preggers......... :?
Hi Julia, once again. I am having the same symptons as you today. i woke up really hot and sweaty so my temperature must be up.
I still feel like im going to come on so i am also thinking that i am not pregnant or im not thinking about it anyway. One more day to go. Keep in touch and good luck.
Love Jacqui

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