cows milk allergy


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Hey girls as some of you may know josh got diagnosed with a cows milk allergy at about 5 weeks. We were told that it may be a 12 week allergy as before that age their systems are very delicate, its either a slightly more long term problem ie about 1.5 to 2 years old give or take a bit, or its something he'll have for life. However given my family history of it, its highly likely to be the second. My brother had the allergy and had wysoy (which was what was advised back then). And then at about 2 moved to goats milk and then slowly got introduced to regular milk. However, our HV has said by 14 weeks he HAS to have tried regular formula again.... Nontheless we decided that if we're gonna try it we'll do it tomorrow however I'm petrified. It made him vomit, have the runs but more than anything he used SCREAM (not just cry or get hysterical) SCREAM in pain which was horrendous. It feels so cruel to willingly potentially put him through it again. Has anyone been through it or have any advice or anything????

Cheers sophie xx
Why does he have to have tried it again?! :eh: I assume she means to see if he's got any better but is there any reason why it has to be by 14 weeks, and isn't there any other way they can test to see if he's still allergic to it - they do allergy tests for other things on people all the time without them having to be exposed to huge amounts of it. I'd give your doctor a call and say why you're concerned and ask what they advise you to do x x
Well tbh I think its because if has grown out of it then it means they can stop providing him with prescription formula (call me cynical). I'd have thought they could have tested him but we've been told that because by 3 months old they should in lamens terms (which is what they explained to us) the digestive system is more of a small adults as opposed to a baby and so we have to test it. I'm so scatred and feel so bad at the thought of having to put him through it if there is still a problem. However, if there isn't it means we can give him hungry baby milk.... I think ill give the out of hours doctor a call tomorrow and see what they say cos if can not put him through it I won't......

I'd definitely get a second opinion from someone first. They can't expect you to put him through that if there's a family history of milk allergy and a good chance that nothing will have changed :( x
So thought I'd let you know we tried it as we had to! It was a feed about an hour ago and he's been fine. A little sicky but the formula had LOADS of bubbles in! He sat up for a play and has now gone to sleep! Its something to kEep an eye on but hopefully hell be fine! Thanks for the advice girls! Out of hours doctor was crap tbh! Xxx
Spoke faaaar too soon. He woke up in screams abd pain.... X
Hope he's ok x hugs x

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