couples - what's your routine?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Hi, just wondering how everyone else manages a routine? I'm obviously on maternity leave, and my OH works Mon-Fri and is away from home 8am til 6.30pm.

At the moment, Ryan is feeding approx every 2 or 3 hours, so for the 1am, 3am and 6am feeds I do everything... the feeds, the changes, and the settling, because OH needs his nighttime sleep so he can function at work during the day. I then sleep the hours in between and after the feeds, and get up out of bed with the 10/11am feed.

It's been getting me down - I don't want to sound like I don't want to spend time with Ryan, far from it, but I feel lonely and sad and feel a bit overwhelmed. I'm breastfeeding anyway so I know I have to get up for every feed, but is it always like this?

What routine do other couples have, or anyone that breastfeeds - any ideas to make things feel a bit easier? I'm not tired as I get plenty of sleep but I just feel a bit like I do everything even though I suppose there's not a lot OH can do :(

leckershell said:
I'm breastfeeding anyway so I know I have to get up for every feed, but is it always like this?

there's not a lot OH can do :(


Soooo wrong, what getting a pump and expressing for the 1am or 6am feed. He will be getting up for work anyway. WHy should you carry the can all the time. Do you have any people who can help with the baby during the day? Dh should be doing his fair share of the housework as well. If im not wrong, the two of you made the made the baby so why should only you look after him. :hug:

They need to learn :evil:
tell me about my OH dont do anything i dont have to wake up in the night now as willow sleeps through but im still up early and other half just lays there asleep we have had the same arguement soooo many times but im sick of it now might as well just do it myself.

it will get eaiser thouugh i really struggled at first but now it is great except the erly mornings not to much to say except it WILL get better.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Shell i knwo how you feel, its very hard in the first few weeks as its so draining, and especially if your OH works and need his sleep because of this. Brian works shifts (sometimes time 2-3am in the morning) so from the very start ive had to get up in the night with Evie and get up in the morning with her too. I was lucky and she started sleeping through from 5 weeks, and it got soo much easier from that point on as i actually got to sleep.
Its hard and i have resented the fact that DH doesnt do much of the feeding and stuff but it does get better. Ryans feeding will calm down and he wont feed so often.
When i look at it DH does all the housework and he does go out and work long shift too, so i cant really complain. he never takes what i do for granted as he know how hard it is looking after children. Plus now im pregnant he lets me get a lot more rest.

I think the problem is that once you have a baby you feel so restrained because your freedom has completely been taken by your little demanding bundle. i suggest expressing your milk for a few feeds a day and then let Nat do a few of the feeds and give yourself some 'me' time. :hug:
I was expressing and using the bottle for the 3am feed, but it made no difference as it would still be me doing it as Nat wants his sleep so I may as well just do the boob LOL. Admittedly yeah he does do the housework - washing up and laundry etc, I just wouldn't have time... (though I still do shopping and make dinner) I'm not saying he doesn't pull his weight, and he tends to get the "settling" times when I'm at the end of my tether and Ryan won't go to sleep nomatterwhat. I'm grateful that he does go to work as we wouldn't manage otherwise, and I'm probably just imagining things, but it just feels like my life stops and his carries on as normal :( and I'd rather just do things myself if he's going to moan about it. It makes me feel bad for Ryan, it's not his fault he needs food and poos himself all the time, so we shouldn't get in a mood with him for it and I try not to. Just makes me feel a bit :? when I'm trying so hard and OH it just seems too much of an inconvenience :( All I hear is 'can't wait to have a motorbike again', 'wish i could have a beer', 'do you mind if i go out with my brother/do an extra band practice this week etc etc'.

Maybe I'm just having a down day :(
I did it all with Arianna when she was first born too as I felt Brian needed his sleep as he was going out working and making the money (and I would do the same again with or next child)

I know how you feel, at the moment you probably just feel like a feeding and diaper changing machine, but it does get better. I always expressed as Arianna wouldn't latch on to me at all.

What I did was Brian would help me bath and change Arianna in to her PJ's and then we started the routine of putting her to bed at 11pm, then each week or two moving that time back half an hour uand the routine soon settled.

PM me if you wanna chat
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry but at this stage I really wouldn't recommend expressing, your body is adjusting to feeding and Ryan will be letting your body know how much milk he wants, and how often. The arly weeks are tough, especially with breastfeeding and it does seem like you are the only one doing stuff but it will settle down. What used to help me was OH giving Seren her bath, and getting her ready for bed, this gave me some time to myself, whether it be watching tv, chatting with friends or even reading a book. It just helped to have this as a break before feeding her before bed. He never did the night feeds as I was breastfeeding (plus nightime feeding is really important as its when your prolactin levels are at their highest) and he was working. This is a massive period of adjustment and unfortunetly it seems as though our OH's lives return to normal a long time before ours do.
I do feel for you, it's very tough if you are breastfeeding having to do all the night time feeds. It's very draining.

There's so much conflicting advice on what to do with regard to expressing and b/feeding.

Friends of mine did start to express early on, after a couple of weeks and they were successful. It was my intention to do just that so that the night time feeds could be shared. My DH wanted to get up in the night to feed our son which helped. I couldn't B/F in the end anyway.

What time does your DH go to bed? For instance my DH goes to bed later than me so it worked out really well that he did the 1 am feed and then did the feed before he went to work in the morning.

Could he not do something similar?

I never b'f so me and dh used to split the feeds, my friend did bf though and she used to feed her then hand her to her oh and he would wind and change her that way they were both up for a short amount of time rather then one being up for a long time iyswim

Good luck

:hug: leckershell :hug:
You are doing great, you're main concern is lookin gafter Ryan and seeing what's best for him but you too want to have your ME time, and it is really important, I do hope you have a chat about it all with your OH and explain how it is for you, because he probably doesn't understand.
I can appreciate how hard it is, I've done mostly it all with Isaac, we had a week in hospital together, then Daddy was under confident, and as we rarely have people around, Isaac does prefer being with me, through no fault of mine or his, but I know how tedious and claustrophobic it can get, or at least does for me.
I just get in the car and go shopping or go see friends, that works for me, I'm sure you'll find what works for you too :hug: It's still early days too, and believe it or not you will get more 'return', for want of a better word/expression, from Ryan as he gets older, and then it will become a lot more easier and fun and then Daddy will be more involved too :D
leckershell said:
I was expressing and using the bottle for the 3am feed, but it made no difference as it would still be me doing it as Nat wants his sleep so I may as well just do the boob LOL. Admittedly yeah he does do the housework - washing up and laundry etc, I just wouldn't have time... (though I still do shopping and make dinner) I'm not saying he doesn't pull his weight, and he tends to get the "settling" times when I'm at the end of my tether and Ryan won't go to sleep nomatterwhat. I'm grateful that he does go to work as we wouldn't manage otherwise, and I'm probably just imagining things, but it just feels like my life stops and his carries on as normal :( and I'd rather just do things myself if he's going to moan about it. It makes me feel bad for Ryan, it's not his fault he needs food and poos himself all the time, so we shouldn't get in a mood with him for it and I try not to. Just makes me feel a bit :? when I'm trying so hard and OH it just seems too much of an inconvenience :( All I hear is 'can't wait to have a motorbike again', 'wish i could have a beer', 'do you mind if i go out with my brother/do an extra band practice this week etc etc'.

Maybe I'm just having a down day :(

Shell - I could have written this post myself and what you are going through definitely seems to be the norm for most of us and our OH's. I also had a few weeks of feeling fine one day then totally baby bluesy the next and that is totally normal too as your hormones are still all to pot.

My OH couldn't love our baby more, but his life is so back to normal already and was within a couple of weeks of our daughter being born! He struggles to understand why I only want him to go out for band practices (yes another musician!) or to football once a week - it's because after being with our daughter for the whole day, much as I love her - I just need a small amount of space to check emails or read for 15 mins or so - and I need and would like him around to help me do this. He'd like to go to football games on a Saturday too but I can't let this happen yet - I'm on my own five days a week and need him there at the weekend to lighten the load and spend quality time with us.

We are lucky that our daughter doesn't really cry and is really good but I still find it hard when OH is making me feel bad, so I really feel for you.

We're still settling in too and our daughter is breastfeeding on demand so we don't really have a routine as such but roughly I'll do all the feeding throughout the day, including expressing in the morning at around 9am (however I didn't start expressing until my daughter was 3 weeks old on the advice of our local b/feeding advisor) and then, just in the past week we've introduced a bottle of expressed milk at around 10 or 11pm ideally, although sometimes this feed is much later (depending when her last one was) - OH will do the bottle feed because at the moment she won't take it from me. We were also told not to introduce a bottle until between 5-7 weeks if we wanted to exclusively breastfeed as this can cause confusion for the baby. We want to breastfeed and have never used formula but I wanted our daughter to be able to take a bottle so I could leave her (not now, but in time) and just in case I was stuck somewhere and couldn't get home.

What really really annoys me (ggggrrrrrrr) is that OH will arrange days or nights out (not many as above, but some within agreed boundaries), then will just ASSUME I'll be around to care for our daughter. I mean, of course I will be - but I'm planning a night out at the end of October, my first night out and probably my first time leaving our daughter for any length of time (not just popping to the shop) and I've had to write it in the calendar and keep reminding OH that he will be 'babysitting' that night - where did I sign up for that kind of agreement?

However, I don't know if this will help you, but I have had to leave my resentment and just let it go as it was getting me down so much. OH would say, just ask me if you want me to do things or get up in the night - but the problem was that I didn't want to have to ask - I just wanted him to be on the ball (like me) and do things without being asked! Also, my OH is rubbish if he hasn't had enough sleep, whereas I can cope! I'm always always two steps ahead of him, I've got the change bag repacked and the pram in the boot while he's still having breakfast and I just don't think they think in the same way as us or can think about more than one thing at once. I've got a constant stream in my head - take washing in, express milk, do dishes, feed, change nappy, feed cats, make and eat lunch, put another load of washing on, phone x, check emails - but I just don't think boys work like that - they are simple creatures!

The other thing I had to try and understand was that OH wasn't doing me a favour by going to work. I started out by feeling really guilty that I was the one at home whereas OH had to go to work and he'd like to be at home with us, but I spoke to OH and he said that he knows that a baby needs its mummy and would never want things to be the other way round - just remember that you are doing SUCH an important job by bringing up your baby, feeding, cuddling, changing, interacting etc and don't feel guilty - and NO-ONE else could do that job better than you do.

Sorry leckershell - I've turned this into my own story - but all I'm trying to do is to reassure you that you are not alone by any means - we're all there or have been there - and to tell you what I've found helpful to cope with the situations.

Please let us know how you get on.

Valentine xxx
I did everything with Brody too, and he was an awful sleeper, waking every hour and a half most of the time!

The way I stayed sane was my night time bath.
At about 8pm every night I have a bath, fill it with lush goodies, read my book and switch off for an hour, it's a life saver.

Also, you can do an evening feed, eg 9pm, leave Nat with him downstairs and retreat to bed for an early night or a read/ relax etc, then when he needs feeding Nat can just bring him up to you.
I saw you asked about co-sleeping, once you have that sorted you may find night times a lot more relaxing. Brody used to wake, I'd pop him on the boob and both of us would fall back to sleep. I never changed his nappy at night unless it was bothering him. You need to do as little as possible to get as much sleep as you can

Thanks Urchin, that's a really helpful post.

Valentine xxx
Good point about the nappy Urchin, I don't think I'v3e ever changed Isaac's nappy through the night (would have if he'd poo'd mind) :D

BIG hugs V :hug: :hug: :hug:
The way I stayed sane was my night time bath

this was my sanctuary too...I would have half hour in the tub and as much as i love the time with D those 20 mins were just heaven...

now i love when D has gone to bed and the lounge si tidied up i sit down with a cup of tea and feel myslef relax..sad but true LOL

maybe you can get you OH to do more at the weekend ..more bum changes Etc.

Also it does get easier..I find B/feeding so much ewasier at night than if i had to go downstairs and make up a bottle and my OH would sleep through anyway.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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