Couple Of Questions About Pains And Bump!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Just wondering if anyone else gets a weird pain like someone is gripping on your leg bones? I think it might be LO on a nerve or something but its really annoying and makes me walk abit funny as my leg goes all numb but like someone is gripping around the bone still?

Also i keep getting a pain in the top of my leg like on my knicker line that feels the same as when you get cramp in your calf.. it makes me bend over/ down when it happens ive only been getting it over the last couple of weeks and mainly just on the one side, does anyone else get this cramp like feeling there?

And lastly over the last 2 weeks my bump has changed shape, its harder at the top than it used to be so the bottom bit (past my navel) is more squishy and the top bit looks fuller, does this mean my LO has moved or something as he still seems to feel like he's in the same place as he has been for ages. I thought my bump would be dropping if anything, rather than the top bit looking abit more pushed out?

Any replies are appreciated girls :hug: x
Is the pain at the top of your leg on the right hand side and starts around the back of your hip then runs down your butt and leg? If it is then its probs Sciatica :D Ive been posting about that quite a bit the last few days! :hug:

As for the rest Im not too sure xx
Me!!! ive been getting that too, its really weird like a sharp pain (the knickerline) and u have to stop and then it kinda goes.

I used to get it in my bum alot too lol! :oops:

Definatly a nerve thing i think...

I haven't been getting a pain like that at the top of my thigh but I do get it in line with my pubic bone every now and again. It seems to happen if I have sat down and forward for a while and then stand up - often I am doubled over in pain. It scares me as I have no idea how I'll cope with an actual contraction :shock:

Missy re your bump, perhaps LO has moved and pushed the hind waters to the top of your bump which has changed the shape of you :hug:
:hug: Thanks for your replies girls! Phew glad im not the only 1 who gets the pain in the top of thigh, i probably look really silly when i just bend over suddenly from it!!

Aww Nicky i just read 1 of your posts about Sciatica it sounds really awful to have to put up with ( i didnt know what it was exactly so i googled it aswell :oops: ) i dont know if thats what i get as i dont get anything funny feeling in my bum just my leg really but could still be the same nerve from what i read.

Ooo you could be right Mildly i never thought of LO moving and pushing my hind waters up its probably that then :hug: Lots of people have commented on how i 'finally look pregnant now' since my bump has filled out at the top so its nice to look abit more pregnant just looks abit funny to me now though lol.

These cheeky LO's we have dont like to make pregnancy too easy or glamorous do they! x
i get this, like a shooting pain, i think that its whenever baby moves down a little more. horrible though, it buckels me over completely, lol.

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