

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
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Hi. Just wondering if anyone has had counselling following a loss? Would you recommend it, who did you go to?

I'm feeling really low and I think it is the root of it, but I'm not sure what to do.

Hi, we were offered counselling after our mc but we declined. If you are feeling down and think it will help then go for it. Your GP should be able to point you in the right direction, or there are places like the miscarriage association you can go to for help.
Sorry for your loss hun

I am seeing a counsellor at the moment following mc in September - we weren't offered counselling at the time and I think that is part of he reason I am finding it difficult to cope with it. The counsellor was arranged through my GP and I must say she is very good but I only get three sessions with her and I personally dont feel that is going to be enough but I can be referred on elsewhere. She says I have a degree of post traumatic stress as the events around the mc are still haunting me

hugs xx
Hi I had one session and I caught her clock watching and felt she was slightly repeating herself. I may decided to go privately if I feel I need to seek more help. Cx
Yes, I went to an NHS one yesterday only to find out it was only really for CBT and they don't do counselling! Felt like a waste of time, she gave me a load of info sheets and some numbers to try but it's hard to get help for yourself and I can't see me ringing round these people, being pushed from pillar to post. I already feel like no-one is really interested in helping me.
Following on from my post (havent had time to do a thread yet) I had my final counselling session on 25th March and I have to say I am so surprised at myself ass I am a completely different person it has totally helped me ficus I never thought it would. I have a whole new outlook on things but I was like you the first session I thought Im not so sure this is going to work but it did - stay strong I know its not easy but you can do this xx
I used the sessions through my work.
I had 6 sessions and by the final one, I didn't cry at all. It helped so much just to have a complete stranger listen to how depressed I was
I'm in sessions since my MMC in Jan. I was referred by my GP. They are helping me deal with what she called the post traumatic stress. I have found it a huge help. One of the biggest things was i found it hard to go back To being me, and everyone expected it to happen almost immediately. She has taught me how to break things into bite size pieces, which has halped to no end.
There is still days i want to shut out the world, but thankfully are less and less.
I would recommend it for anyone dealing with a loss. Xxx

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