council tax-thanks adam

Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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we have lived here for a year now. and when i signed on to JSA adam went mad saying they will now send us a tax bill :shock:

and sure enough, there now on our backs for £1500. im guessing for this tax year and last.

they sent a court summons, but my dog ripped mine up. so i may open his to see what it says. the last one said if we accept liability to pay we dont need to attend.

i hope he doesnt think i will be paying the bill. as i cant even afford the rent.

what should i do? he works but i dont think he will pay it. :evil:
i thought if you were claiming jsa your tax got paid. do you mean council tax?
when hubby wasnt working and was climing JSA his council tax got paid, how come you have to pay yours? might be worth querying it as im sure it gets paid.
do you live in a council property?
he has been working, but i havent.

i dnt know wot to do. im not paying that bill. i got riley to think about.

i was on JSA and now mat pay.

its a rented place, but i may hve to leave as we split up
if you have no money and have to claim JSA how do they expect you to pay council tax? idiots!! Im sure when DH was single and claiming it he didnt have to pay council tax, if only 1 person is working and you live in a house as a couple you get a 'discount', we got a couple of ££ off not much.
i would deffo follow it up is the council tax in both your names?

if you are living on your own now get his name taken off and you will be entitled to a 25% single persons discount as council tax is based on 2 people livig there.

get on the phone to them hunny or go to your town hall explain your situation and if they say you have to pay it still then hopefully tou will come to some sort of agreement.
jenna said:
if you have no money and have to claim JSA how do they expect you to pay council tax? idiots!! Im sure when DH was single and claiming it he didnt have to pay council tax, if only 1 person is working and you live in a house as a couple you get a 'discount', we got a couple of ££ off not much.

We are on very low income and we still have to pay council tax!!! We were better off when I was single on income support!

And my OH works and I don't at the mo, and we still have to pay our council tax in full!!!
frangelle said:
And my OH works and I don't at the mo, and we still have to pay our council tax in full!!!

thats rediculas! my DH wasnt allowed to claim any money when he was made redundant (they said because i worked full time and we lived together i had to suport him) we didnt 'get a penny' but we did get a discount on council tax, think it was like £8 a month or something
jenna said:
frangelle said:
And my OH works and I don't at the mo, and we still have to pay our council tax in full!!!

thats rediculas! my DH wasnt allowed to claim any money when he was made redundant (they said because i worked full time and we lived together i had to suport him) we didnt 'get a penny' but we did get a discount on council tax, think it was like £8 a month or something

Nope we don't even get that the b*stards!!! Maybe I should break the OH's legs then he can get disability allowance and we wont have to pay it at all!!!

Sometimes I feel like the government is against married couples with kids on low incomes :roll:
frangelle said:
Nope we don't even get that the b*stards!!! Maybe I should break the OH's legs then he can get disability allowance and we wont have to pay it at all!!!

Sometimes I feel like the government is against married couples with kids on low incomes :roll:

My uncle gets disability for having a bad back he doesnt have, maybe you could try that? that way he doesnt have to go through the pain of a broken leg :rotfl: I cant standthe job centre, there useless. We had to take out a loan to keep our heads above water last year, and to top it off DH had to sign on (even thought he got no money) and they wouldnt let him look at jobs :shock: He had to be escauted in and out by security and he got shouted at when he wanted to check the jobs :shock: How they work that out i'll never know.
same thing happened to me near on a grand but my rents paid it and i pay back £20 a week for my debt they paid which then came to like 2 grand so far i've only paid back £320

they pretty make u pay it all back in full they didnt even except a weekly payment stoopid council

ooh btw its well weird to me riley beong a boys name as well
we obviously have good taste
jenna said:
frangelle said:
Nope we don't even get that the b*stards!!! Maybe I should break the OH's legs then he can get disability allowance and we wont have to pay it at all!!!

Sometimes I feel like the government is against married couples with kids on low incomes :roll:

My uncle gets disability for having a bad back he doesnt have, maybe you could try that? that way he doesnt have to go through the pain of a broken leg :rotfl: .

No let him have the pain, I'm evil :twisted:

I have actually just gone mad about our tax credits as our friends Oh is on a higer wage than us, they have one extra kid and get three times the tax credits we do, I mean how does that work :roll:

Sorry I'm going off on one now :oops:
Its gonna be well hard to come off benefits cos basically are better off on them LOL

but i dnt wanna be on them :(
Becksss said:
Its gonna be well hard to come off benefits cos basically are better off on them LOL

but i dnt wanna be on them :(

I was like that hun, we got into loads of debt when me and my OH moved in together and our benefits were stopped. We now have to pay £525 a month rent, plus £121 council tax, not including bills, food etc, all on one low income wage! It is really hard, they make it so hard unless you are lucky enough to go straight into a really well paid job!
I had this with Terry the tit - he was liable for half and they chased him for it. Call them and explain the situation :hug:
frangelle said:
Becksss said:
Its gonna be well hard to come off benefits cos basically are better off on them LOL

but i dnt wanna be on them :(

I was like that hun, we got into loads of debt when me and my OH moved in together and our benefits were stopped. We now have to pay £525 a month rent, plus £121 council tax, not including bills, food etc, all on one low income wage! It is really hard, they make it so hard unless you are lucky enough to go straight into a really well paid job!
In my current situation that would not happen LOL
so i'm going to college in sept hopefully to get good qualifications and then i can get a good job =]]
frangelle said:
Becksss said:
Its gonna be well hard to come off benefits cos basically are better off on them LOL

but i dnt wanna be on them :(

I was like that hun, we got into loads of debt when me and my OH moved in together and our benefits were stopped. We now have to pay £525 a month rent, plus £121 council tax, not including bills, food etc, all on one low income wage! It is really hard, they make it so hard unless you are lucky enough to go straight into a really well paid job!

I agree with you that the governement doesn't help couples but I actually have to disagree & say whether you have a well paid job or a low paid, you struggle as cost of living increases & you end up paying super tax.

My DF has a good job, he pays super tax which means theoretically he earns 55% or so of his wage, then we get basic basic tax credits, from Sept we will be paying full time childcare with no help towards that & full council tax etc which here for us is £ 175 per month.

We barely break even! In honesty, even if you go into a well paid job it doesn't mean you're any better off

Before I moved in with A, I was a lot better off as a single working mother!
i used to work in council tax recovery, i take it that you and your partner have split, if you were not claiming any benefits while he was with you than you are both liable for amount owing from then, as of now while you are on benefits you should claim full council tax benefit and housing benefit, if both your names are on the bill this makes you jointly and severley responsible for the debt but if he is working and you are not they will come on to him for the amount owing first, either by attaching to his earnings of by mutual arrangement to pay. I hope this helps :D
Becksss said:
Its gonna be well hard to come off benefits cos basically are better off on them LOL

but i dnt wanna be on them :(

you say that but at the moment i am better of working that i would be if i didnt, if i moved i dont know how it would work, but atm i get £710 WTC and child care and £18.10 child benifit plus my £400 wages

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