Council housing experience? Health priority?


Active Member
Sep 27, 2012
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Hi. Sorry, I don't post here much but really wanted some opinions so hope someone is able to help!

We have applied for a council house and have been placed in band 4, which I don't think is very positive for us.. If I just put down the reasons I think we should be higher below, could someone tell me if it will make any difference to the council/is it worth the appeal etc..

- facing homelessness in 3 months (notice has been served - this seems to be the only thing taken into account on the assessment)
- current household: me, DH, a 15 year old we care for, 12 month old baby, and will be 7 months pregnant when made homeless.
- DH has chronic liver disease (medicated)
- DH and 15 year old both type 1 insulin dependant diabetic

So DH and 15 year old both need regular meals, blood sugar tested 3/4 times a day, and injections 4 times a day (which have to be kept refrigerated). Plus for his liver disease DH also needs regular meals to take his tablets with 3 times a day. He also has very weak bones from the steroids he has to take.

Now in my eyes my little family is in dire need, and if we are put on the streets/in a hostel then it's really going to mess them up. But obviously everyone on the housing list thinks they're the most in need and while I have an unfortunately unhealthy family, I could also understand how we might be expected to just cope. While homelessness won't be good for them, I don't think it will kill them. We will just have to struggle a bit harder to keep on top of all the medication and meals without the comfort of a home.

Does anyone know how we compare to others you know applying for council housing? For health priority do you need to be more severely ill? Will people who are overcrowded have a higher priority than us just 'facing' homelessness at the moment?

Thanks in advance for any help and please don't think I'm one of those 'entitled' people who thinks they should be handed a council house. Whatever happens we will cope and I understand the houses go to the most in need x
We went from private renting into social housing. We had 30 points. 10 for local connection, 10 for overcrowding and 10 for unsuitable accommodation. We were lucky. Its not that easy nowadays and this was only 18 months ago.

I Will say this is what i know ( don't mean to sound blunt but this is how council works)

1) You have 3 months to find another place. If you rent now, you can rent privately. Are you struggling financially?

2) A normal council application does not take onto account medical grounds. If you want to apply to they take this into consideration you need to apply medically. They will need to liase wit your doctors etc. Normally this route only works of you're classed as disabled and need special housing. This takes a long time.

3) are you overcrowded? They will not take bump into account until they're born.


Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
The threat of homelessness isn't taken into account until it's imminent-3 months is enough time, in their eyes, to find another place. The application I've just filled in did take into account medical conditions.
I think the most urgent things are homelessness and overcrowding and unsuitable accommodation but I am not certain.
Thank you! I thought this might be the case - I think I read for one council that 28 days before you're made homeless is when they might start to prioritise you. We are struggling financially big time after a career move from DH so unfortunately not a hope in hell if raising a deposit, referencing fees, up front rent etc to rent privately again. We already borrowed from family and friends to get set up in this place.. We are going to have to sit here until we are made homeless :( We are not overcrowded, even when bump comes. This is a decent sized place but we can just no longer afford a place like this, and even if we downsized there is just a lot of money that comes with a move that needs to come from nowhere :( we are just scraping our rent and bills atm from loan money!!

Thank you for the advice x
Can you apply for housing benefit instead? and stay where you are?? It might be worth popping down to have a word with a housing officer at the council for some help xxx

The threat of homelessness isn't taken into account until it's imminent-3 months is enough time, in their eyes, to find another place. The application I've just filled in did take into account medical conditions.
I think the most urgent things are homelessness and overcrowding and unsuitable accommodation but I am not certain.

Yes all the applications ask medical problems however to gain points / housing based on medical issues you have to go that route. There is a separate medical grounds procedure. My moms just done it. X

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Thank you! I thought this might be the case - I think I read for one council that 28 days before you're made homeless is when they might start to prioritise you. We are struggling financially big time after a career move from DH so unfortunately not a hope in hell if raising a deposit, referencing fees, up front rent etc to rent privately again. We already borrowed from family and friends to get set up in this place.. We are going to have to sit here until we are made homeless :( We are not overcrowded, even when bump comes. This is a decent sized place but we can just no longer afford a place like this, and even if we downsized there is just a lot of money that comes with a move that needs to come from nowhere :( we are just scraping our rent and bills atm from loan money!!

Thank you for the advice x

You will get a deposit back though to help? I agree. Can housing benefit help?

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
The homeless thing is a joke my friend was 9 month pregnant, single and homeless (sleeping on a couch) and she still didnt get any house she bid on so ended up private renting.
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would it not be posible to.move in with family and get them to evict you to overcrowding or sometjing?? x
would it not be posible to.move in with family and get them to evict you to overcrowding or sometjing?? x

Then they will look how long you've been there. Not sure they will fall for it because it comes down to money at the end of the day. If you can afford to rent they're not helpful. :'(

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Redbear that's terrible. I really do hate this country sometimes. X
yeh she got a grant for the baby which luckly covered a bond x

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