Council housing advice needed


Nov 1, 2012
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Hello, I'm really concerned and need some advice. I have just told my father that I am 7 weeks pregnant and he was not happy as he considers me to still be too young (im 22). He was previously paying my rent and has now stopped doing so, which forced me to find someone else to take over my contract as I could not afford it myself.

So now I'm living at my mothers house, pregnant and sleeping on a sofa, the alternative would be to go in a put up bed in my little brothers room which isn't really acceptable. There is no room for me here and it is overcrowded, I cant afford to rent privately so I'm applying for a council house.

My question is, when I explain my situation to the council will they try to contact my father to confirm that he refuses to pay my rent and has effectively made me homeless? Because he is not a very nice person and I would prefer not to get him involved, I dont really want him to know i'm trying to get a council house as he will not co-operate and im sure will try to make it hard for me. He thinks i'm a failure and will probably think living in a council house is also failure :(

I dont want him to ruin my chances, so will the council insist on speaking to him?

Thanks for any advice you have!
Oh... Sorry your having a rough time at the moment, but congratulations on your pregnancy.
I think that they may contact your dad, and see if he refuses to pay. I'm not 100% sure tho.
But maybe if you go to the council, explain about your pregnancy, your current living arrangements, over crowding etc... See what they say.
I think every local authority area in the country have lots of different policies.
If you were to declare yourself homeless you would probably need to go into homeless accommodation untill you were housed. But like I say every area is different.
Probably best to make an appt at your local housing office and tell them your
if you got evicted cos you couldnt afford the rent anymore, surely thats enough info for the council? The reason why you cant afford the rent is surely not that relevant? Was your dad a guarantor? Cos I dont think he can just refuse, he'd be taken to court by the landlord for the arrears
I dont know what your council are like but a friend of mine and his partner had a little boy had one room in his parents house, the 3 other brothers and sisters in another room in bunkbeds and the parents in their room. Serious overcrowding and theyve just got a council house and the LO is 14 months.

You can apply for council but theyll see it as youve got somewhere to stay. I live in a basement flat with about 20 stairs to get up onto ground level and not got anywhere council yet.

I hope you find a solution x
my brother is having issues with council housing at the moment, policies vary alot depending on your council but I know where we are he wasn't even on the council list until he checked into the night shelter here as they saw it as he had somewhere to stay (my sofa is lovely but I'm moving in dec so he can't have it forever!)

it can also take along time for a council place to come up even once your on the list, my brother is highest priority on their list as he's disabled, vulnerable and sleeping in night shelter is effecting his health (he's proved this with letters from gp) and he's still been told it could be months before they even process his paperwork, let alone find him a place to live

The best thing to do is check yourself into a homeless place so you get on the list immediately, make sure you fill out all the paperwork at the council and tht they know you are pregnant, and your due date etc,
I don't know weather you're working etc but you could also rent a room or somewhere cheap and claim housing benefit which would pretty much cover the cost
whatever you do think ahead as these things can take a long time, would you be able to stay at your mums when lo comes along? hope you can get it all sorted

btw your dad is an ass!

Well I thought I might as well give you an update in case anyone in a similar situation. I got my council banding eventually, and they have not contacted my father. However they have put me in band three, which for my area means that I will never get anywhere.

Its as if I have to be living in a hostel, about to pop, with no money and no family in order to be classed as in need. I am just so uncomfortable here, the sofa is awful to sleep on and my morning sickness is the worst thing I've experienced, with my living situation making everything so horrible. I will soon have to actually go to the council and claim homelessness, as my mothers partner is sick of me being here and it causes problems with their relationship - she wants me out too!

I feel horribly let down by my council, why do we have to be on the verge of sleeping on the street with our bumps in order to seem in need? I have had bleeding which A and E has attributed to stress, not good for LO and I cant hold back this sinking depression :(
I feel horribly let down by my council, why do we have to be on the verge of sleeping on the street with our bumps in order to seem in need? I have had bleeding which A and E has attributed to stress, not good for LO and I cant hold back this sinking depression :(

I'm really sorry you've found yourself in this situation, I know how horrible it can be, even trying to prove you are in need is a struggle!

firstly, go to your gp and explain your living situation and the effect it's having on you and lo, see if you can get your gp to write a letter to the council stating your health is being put at risk by your living conditions, this should put u up to band 2 at least

secondly, if u have to go declare yourself homeless and move into a shelter, the reason I say to jump the gun and do this before your mum makes u leave is 1. to keep an open door at your mums so if u have no where else to go you can go back and 2. being in a shelter when pregnant is a million times better than when you have a baby, and a million times better for lo as well

if you have trouble with the council pm me I can always ask my brother as he's been through this all before (although a little less pregnant than u!)
please look after yourself, try ginger nut biscuits for the sickness, I hope it eases soon and you start to feel better xxx
Sadly you won't go up a band until your lo is one however your mum could kick you out once baby is here and the council have 28 days to house you we have studio flats that you are housed in you are put in band one and then have to wait it out. I've been on the list for 2 years and am only just starting to go down the list x

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I think they will also ask why you havent been supporting yourself? Im not sure as an adult whether it will matter your dad has stopped paying your rent.

Also i know at my local council they no longer accept eviction from parents as a reason. Everyone has to join the list here and get points depending on their circumstances. How many people are in your moms house compared to bedrooms? X

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I personally would say he was paying the rent and when he found out I was pregnant kicked me out and wants nothing to do with u or the baby. We're I live u have to really fight for council housing as there's such a shortage. Hope u get it self sorted z
Yes that's true.. You could get your mum to write you a letter saying she wants you out and then they will have to house you :-) good luck. Trying to get a council house myself but a band 3 too. Xxx
Same with my council. They won't accept letters from parents. I got kicked out by my ex partner when Alfie was 8 months old and because he wouldn't say he kicked me out, I was apparently intentionally homeless. I was then put in a b&b and told it could be 6 months before I was housed! :( it's not great. 4 years on I'm in private renting and no longer on the housing list as I've been taken off as having no priority x


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