Could you help with 3 feeding questions pls guys?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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I have started giving LO a bottle this week as she turns 4 months and I'd like to stop BFing her before I go back to work in 2m time. It was a bit of a battle at first as she refused the bottle (after previously accepting it at 7wks). Anyway she seems a bit better yesterday and today.

I have a few Qs that some of you might be able to help me with if you don't mind:

1) How much Aptimil should she have...... she only takes about 4oz at the mo.
2) When is the best time to feed her as she woke up 3/4hr after the 7pm bottle feed as if she was hungry last night but the milk was still sloshing around her tummy.
3) Why did she wake up for a feed at 3.30am when she has been sleeping through for 2m now.
4) Is night waking a sign she's ready for weaning??
5) Does it affect your milk supply if you give a bottle at different times in the day?

Thanks for looking :D :think:
i'm by no means an expert as i have forgotten a bit as my DS is 2 but i guess i'll be doing it again soon, heres my answer to your questions x

1) How much Aptimil should she have...... she only takes about 4oz at the mo.

normally on the back of the tins it gives you a rough idea of how much your LO should be having. also offer her as much as she'll take and as long as she is not being really sicky thats enough and not too much. if you find she is always draining the 4oz bottles try her with a little more say 6oz and see if she'll take it.

2) When is the best time to feed her as she woke up 3/4hr after the 7pm bottle feed as if she was hungry last night but the milk was still sloshing around her tummy.

its a new routine for her she might take a while to get used to having a bottle rather than having you. when she woke up after 4 hours did she take the milk? if so then she was probably hungry or she could be waking up for another reason say comfort due to the routine change or ??teething being unwell.

3) Why did she wake up for a feed at 3.30am when she has been sleeping through for 2m now.

she could well be getting around the time for weaning and thats why she is waking up in the night, or could she be off colour? are you offering her enough milk during the day?

4) Is night waking a sign she's ready for weaning??

possibly best to speak to your HV about these questions too hun. it could be many reasons maybe the change to bottle and different routine has upset her a bit.

5) Does it affect your milk supply if you give a bottle at different times in the day?

i've got no idea about milk supply hun sorry i had so little milk in the first place, have you thought about expressing if you want to keep up your supply?

have a word with your HV too they'll be able to advise you xx good luck
I cant help on the forumla questions sorry but I will do my best to answer 3 and 4.

There may be lots of reasons why she woke after sleeping through for 2 months, maybe she had tummy ache, or needed her nappy changing as it was dirty from a change in diet, she could have a tooth coming through, she may have been dreaming, she may just have wanted a breastfeed, she may be going through a growth spurt so is taking in extra milk to build up your supply, she may have been too warm or too cold. I think its just guess work when babies wake during the night, they cant tell us whats wrong so we just have to guess and hope we get it right.

I dont think that night waking alone can be considered as a sign that she is ready to wean but more than likely a growth spurt and I notice your LO is just coming up to 4 months old and I know a few people on here have experienced night waking at this time due to a growth spurt. I think the major indicators that a baby is ready for solids is good head and neck movements, being able to sit up unaided and steady weight gain, taking more notice of solid food, waking during the night hungry, and becoming bored of breastfeeding.

Hope you get some good replies about the bottle feeding & sorry I couldnt help there :)

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