could this be?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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could this be the start.
woek up this morning feeling really ill.
was sick :| i dunno why,
and then i started getting pains.
they were coming every 20 mins and lasting about 10/ 15 seconds,
i think they hare a bit closer now.
i keep feeling like i need the toilet, but i dont.

what do you think. or could i just have a upset tummy :oops:
Could be the start! Best thing to do is just get on with your day and if it is labour you will get to a point where you can't ignore it! I know how fed up you are so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! My first baby was born a week early so it does happen!
jac xx
Just promise that when the pains are 8-10 mins apart, you'll get your behind to the hospital :D

Make sure the right people are in the know, so you aren't left alone, give your midwife a quick call to. Keep in mind that babies are fully developed and ready for birth from 37weeks.

Good luck and let us know how you are xxxx

nope not yet,
the pains lasted 2 hours and then just stopped :(

its weird though cos my boobs have been leaking and before, it was just clear and now its like coming through like proper milk colour... is this a sign it could happen soon?
my boobs didnt leak till i fed her.

i had extreme pressure below constant on the thurs night going into friday morn early hrs.

then she gave me so much pressure at 5.30am that i was forced to push then broke waters. was only 50mins difference from when i rang hosp before.
all my pains seem to have disappeared now, which is annoying cos i got all happy and that and now i prolly wont pop for a couple of weeks
aw robyn lol i made loads of posts lik this
believe me when those damn contraction starts u will NOT mistake them for "pains"
u will know
If you will excuse me asking did you have hanky panky last night?? I always found that I got more severe braxton hicks towards the end when I had been at it.

I know its a cliche but when you get 'the pains' you will know.
lol i havent had handky panky for a while,
the father left me. lol


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