Could this be a sign (tmi)


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
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I have put this up in the 2ww post as well but i thought i will start a seperate one to see other people opinions

Omg i thought i started my period there the now because i went to the loo because i felt wet and thought the witch was here but to my surprise it was a huge amount of white discharge really thick sorry for tmi but it this a good sign?

Not due on till monday, i have never had this before a period and the stomach cramps were sore this morning and yeaterday and they have just started again, they are more different than af cramps these are more regular than i would normally get.

Oh forgot to say the pain is below my belly button which is not normal when AF is due
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Sounds very similar to what i experienced hun, have you done any tests yet?i started picking up faint positives for 2 days before AF was due!Fingers crossed that this is a positive sign for you too xxx
I did test with First response the other day and it was negative, I am still expecting a negative now. But the discharge has been a night mare today it has been a mixture of that thick white discharge to watery discharge i am running to the loo every so often cause i feel like i have started but it just some more discharge.
I am still having slight cramps on and off but i am just putting that to af is due and this morning i really struggled to get up when my alarm went off, but again i am just saying to myself its prob cause i am due on.
ive also got alot of discharge af due wednesday...
try to wait until your af is due I did 4 before then all negative and had a bot of brown spotting on the sunday, did another test on the tues bfn and then first response on the thurs and bfp! The cramps carried on for me a week before and a week after af was due x
im not going to do any tests till im late...i waste so much money on the tests.

ive also really gone off sex the last week....
The witch is on her way had a brown discharge and a bit of af cramp so i am out :(
Well the witch is upto new tricks i had a bit of brown discharge when wiping this morning with a really sore stomach and now the pain has gone and so has the witch :wall2:
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Fingers crossed hun, could be IB?? Let us know how you get on xxx
Well i have still got pains and only spotting a tiny bit, i have also been sick all night, the sickness only came on a few hours ago and has not gave me much a break since :(.

This is all i need the start of pmt a really sore tummy just under the belly button and throwing up all at one lol.

The worst part is i have a job interview for a managers post in a residential home tomorrow but if i am not any better i am going to have to arrange it for another time
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Well the sickness has not laid up :(, what bad timing to get a bug lol.
As for the spotting that has nearly stopped.

I wish my cycle would just go back to normal so i know where i am on it this is the 2nd month of it being a bit odd but its been really odd compare to last month.
These might still be positive signs hun, keep your chin up!But i agree if you are feeling poorly, maybe see if you can rearrange your interrview for another day :hug: xxx
Thanks, they change the interview till next week, i had nipped out and got a another test and just done it 5 mins ago and still BFN at least i know it just a bug and another dodgy month :)

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