Well I have been on a diet, trying to lose the last little bit of baby weight and then some. I weighed in on Friday at 10st 4lb and was dead chuffed, this is now pre preggers weight Im shifting, then yesterday I jumped on the scales again and they read 10st 9lb!!! and I have still been eating correctly, how the hell do I stick 5lb on in 2 days when Im dieting. But then I remembered how when I first got preggers with Noah, I instantly bloated, like I retained water or something, so was wondering if that was possible again this time?!?! I cant remember exactly what happens now when you do get preggers, I would have ovulated on the Thursday, so implantation whould ahve happened by now if I was preggers, but is it possible for the body to react that quickly?!?!
Or am I wishfull thinking, and Im actually sleepwalking at night to the local shop and scoffing cream cakes in my sleep?
Or am I wishfull thinking, and Im actually sleepwalking at night to the local shop and scoffing cream cakes in my sleep?