Could I have had a miscarriage?

Jan 21, 2009
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Well basically...can anyone explain what its like to have one very early in pregnancy, in terms of pain, bleeding, ect...

Although, is it possible without even knowing that you're pregnant? :? :think:
Yes it is possible, and will just feel like a heavy period with moderate cramping. Are you ok sweetheart?
i dont know about in very early pregnancy, my M/C was at 7ish weeks

it is very possible to have a miscarriage without knowing you are pregnant, a lot of early M/c's are just thought to be a heavy slightly late period

what kind of symptoms have you got, and have you has a positive pregnancy test? sorry to be blunt hunni :hug:
I am, it's stopped now... I was on the pill so I wasn't convinced that could be it, but I've relalised I kept forgetting to take it over the start Christmas holidays as I was going out more, and I then stopped taking it all together a while ago.

I was bleeding for a lot longer than normal, and in a lot more pain. It was bad enough for me to hardly get out of bed for the worst few days but then it just stopped...It was really weird.

I've been trying to look for what was wrong with me, and a miscarriage is all I can think of but I don't know for sure. So I was hoping if people could tell me if it could have been that really.

I haven't taken a test as I never thought I could be pregnant.
it is very possible for it just to be because you hadnt taken your pill properly, and you have confused your body.

i dont think you should dwell on it too much, to be honest, you will probably never know either way

lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've done the same before (forgotton to take pill/stopped pill) when I first went on it and it was so different reactions... Which is the only reason I thought it could be something different. I won't dwell on it, I just want to know if there was a chance so I know I'm not going crazy, really.
I searched on the internet for symtoms, ect, and could only find miscarriage but obviously just reading it on health pages isn't like talking to real people
there is a chance, but if the bleeding has stopped, and you have no other symptoms, there is no way of knowing. i can imagine that it is difficult hunni x
If you had a early miscarraige ealy as 4wks when you just miss your period
then you may see a or very small streaks of blood thats if your looking out for one

Them that dont know they was pg cause there so early on just have a heavy bleed that may last longer than normal cycle and be like a bad period pain type feeling ..

If you was round 6wks then there is more to pass such as a yolk sac so you would feel some painfull
cramps and your Af flow would pass a thickish clot this you could not mistake even if you was
not looking out for it you wouldnt be able to avoid it ..

I am a missed miscarraige patient but my babies die at 10wk and 8wks to no heartbeat
but i have had 2 early miscarraiges and i would of never of known only i was trying to conceive
and a early pg test told me i was bfp i had just a heavy flow and a few little streaks of blood
never had really bad cramps but everyones bodies are different to others ..

It does not sound like you have had a m/c being honest hun so i would try to forget
this matter it sounds like its just one of them mad times of the month are cycles
Do some strange things some short some long some heavy some light some painfull
some bareable .. Its not a nice thing to think of eg have i had a m/c
i dont think you have but i am no scientist so guess you will never know
Do you want to be pg ?? If not make sure you take your pill properely hun so you
dont get yourself in this situation again ((Hugs)) xx
I thought of it reading stuff like...

well i've just had at miscarriage at 5 weeks when i didnt even know i was pregnant.

basically it REALLY hurt and i bled really heavy and there was a few really big clots and lots of smaller ones too. this is normal really.
The usual symptoms are vaginal bleeding and lower abdominal cramps. You then pass some 'tissue' from the vagina. In many cases, the bleeding then gradually settles. The time it takes for bleeding to go varies. It is usually a few days, but can last 2 weeks or more.

In most cases, the bleeding is heavy with clots

Which is what I had, so I didn't know.

I'm not trying to get pregnant (far too young), but I'm not on the pill now (I'd have to go back to the doctor, and I can't).

Obviously I don't want this to be the reason I was unwell, I just couldn't really get it out of my head till I'd tried to find out a bit more, if that makes sense?
Think what you will find is that most people who do have early miscarriages have very different experiences anyway. I m/c at around 5 weeks (so v early) and if I hadn't tested early I never would have known I was even pregnant, it was just like a normal period painwise (just notably different because I was passing some big clots).

Having said that, in the past I have had a totally normal period which was so painful I could barely stand up - there was no chance I could have been pregnant and it was a total one off.

So, to summarise, it is possible to have a random period that is more painful and feels unusual - and it is also possible for people to miscarry and have no idea at all.

Don't let it play on your mind - you'll never know either way.
I remember the first time I ever went on the pill I was a bit younger than you and I was on it just so I didn't have a period while I was on holiday. When I came off it I had a really heavy period with clots and everything in it and I hadn't even had sex. The pill can mess with your system so much and one month you can react differently to the next.

My m/c was just under 7wks and it was very painful and there was lots of clots as well as heavy bleeding and lasted 10days. I would be more likely to go with the pill causing the bleed, especially as you'd missed a few.

take care hun :hug:

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