Could I be????

Why dont you leave it a few days and then do another test, it could be that your hormone isn't strong enough yet, :think: I'd wait a few days and do another.
Again keep us informed here if you need a chat. :)
OK I've been to the Doctors and they said my stomach felt normal, but they are going to send me for a scan today or tomorrow.
Just had a call from the Doctors and my scan is at 9.20am tomorrow. Feeling a liitle better as the cramps are easing and the discharge is only very tiny amounts when I wipe.

I'm still not going to get excited just yet.

Worse thing is that I have to have a full bladder tomorrow and I'm terrible - once I have to go, then I have to go!!!!
So at this stage are you like me - not knowing if you are pregnant or not?

When do you go for your scan? I hope it all goes well for you. :pray:
Pappadog, good luck! The blue veins were one of the first signs I had! You will have to post straight away, I think the whole forum will be checking in!

GOOD LUCK : :pray:
I'll be off to the Hospital with Mother in tow tomorrow. I'm feeling a lot better today, but just keep praying that I just keep spotting and not have a full bleed.

I so want to be excited and so too does my other half. Not that it's the most important thing right now, but OH has also said he'll buy me a nice (newer) little run about as he thinks Bertie Rover isn't ideal for child seats etc.
ooh keep us posted! hope everything turns out how you want it to!
Bit worried cause in the last fifteen minutes the discharge looks more and more like a period. Any one got advise please? Is this normal?
not really. If you're bleeding then its not a good sign. :(
Id lay down with your legs slihtly elevated.
Been to the toilet a few times since and nothing to see unless I wipe - Oh I wish I new. Still have the cramps, but better than yesterday and my stomach is massive (bloated) - remind me why do we do this?
let me know how you get on, I really hope alll is well for you. You will find out whts going on tommorow. I start all mine tommorow at the docs finding out whats wrong, all this trouble we all go through to have a little bundle!!!!
Can you let me know how you get on too please. It's nice to know that there is someone at the same stage
:D I certainly will do so. I am ringing the docs in the morning to see if i can get in tommorow. I hope they dont fob me off!!!

Ran another test tonight and BFN! Back to the drawing board, although I will go to the hospital tomorrow to have things checked out
Hi all

Been kept in the hospital for a few hours. Had a scan and they found a cyst of 3.5 cm with another cyst inside it on my left ovary. Anyway, apart from this they told me I'd mis carried. So back to basics again!
:o sorry to hear that papadog.
I have had cysts on my ovaries too, and I had two kids since then, so dont worry about those things!
love to you

aww hun sorry to hear your not preg *hugs*. i hope your ok and everything turns out for you .
i hope you still come back here.

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