Could I be????


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Hello all

I'm new to this board and as you'd expect I'm searching for information.

I came off the Depot injection in Sept 2005 and since then I had my first period on Feb 16th and my second one on March 17th, but nothing since then. Most morning I am waking up with sore boobs (feels like they have a lead weight in them), I keep feeling dizzy and slightly sick and I have had period pains for around a week now, but no sign of period. I keep getting twinges on either side too.

So, yesterday I ran a clearblue test - the one where you need a plus or minus in the result window. The control line came up and then in the result window the horizontal line came up and a vertical line which was very feint and also a lot thinner that any of the other lines? What do you think? I will run another test when I get home from work, but what makes it even more likely is that at eight o'clock this morning I ran for the toilet to be sick - I wasn't in the end but the sickness came on so quick.

I would love to be pregnant, but I don't want to search for all the symptoms - what's your thoughts?
i would re - tests i dont know much bout the injection but it looks very hopefull that ur PG let us know how u get on and GOOD LUCK
Yes, I'll keep you posted. Will ring the helpline when I can find a quiet moment
Well I called the advisors at Clear Blue and they said it doesn't matter how feint or thin the line is it's a positive.

I'm still feeling unsure and I've just found some brown rubbery discharge and still have a funny feeling (period pain) stomach.

Advise please???????
I did the same test and it came up exactly the same, I'd say you're pg, congratulations!!
Oh wow, really?

I'm worried though because I have period like pains and twinges. this morning I was almost sick and about half hour ago I had like a brown rubberish discharge (small amount) - sorry it's a bit personal, but this would be my first time and I want to be really excited, but I'm worried it might be a mis carriage thing
I had the same stomach cramps, they were so much like period pains I was convinced I wasn't pg but I did 8 + tests!! The brown discharge is normal too
It's all sounding great to me. Did you feel like it wasn't true or did you doubt it? Did you got to the docs about your cramps?
No I came on here about them because this forum is the best place, you get better answers, docs are crap!!

It felt to me like I was getting kicking, even though I was only 3 weeks pg lol

Try another brand of test, it will make you feel better :D
All your symptons sound like you are pregnant and you have had a positive test too! CONGRATULATIONS :D . The worrying about miscarriage is normal and the small amount of brown blood you have had is common and is probably implantation bleeding. Sorry you are feeling nauseous already, I hope you don't suffer too much with sickness, it is the worst!
Thank you.

I just want to be really excited, but just too worried. Hopefully I will have better news at the Doctors tomorrow and of course I will update you all
oh how exciting ill keep checking this thread!
Oh i hope your are, it's so exciting! I did 6 clearblue tests before I would believe that I was pregnant! well i hope you are.
Keep us informed and i'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you x x x x :dance:
Well when I left work I was beggining to feel like it could be for real, but I ran a Sainsburys test when I got home and got a negative. I still have the period pains although they are easing a little bit.

I just want to know!!!!!
Just got changed into PJ's and have blue veins through boobs and running up to my shoulders - I don't think they are normally there.

Doctors at 9.10am tomorrow!

I think reading things on the web is making me worse. I've just read about poor Hannah on here. She had cramping pains and lost her little bean - I have the cramps, but not bleeding - still have brown/pink discharge though
Woke up with wind feeling and then after going to the loo I think AF has arrived, but it's still very brown and kind of like clotty/lumpy :oops: I still have the cramps, but I have a feeling that when I get to the Doctors they are going to say that I'm no longer pregnant.

Please pray for me everyone :pray:

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