Could I be?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I have been TTC since March of this year (after 3 mmc's).

This month, I am so bloated I can't do up my work trousers, I am tired, very grumpy, I had cramps for a couple of days and they have all but gone now but I feel as though someone has stuck a bloody great weight in my womb. My boobs are very painful, I can see a couple of big veins but nothing more and my nipples don't look any different (sorry, tmi)

I recently joined a gym, trying to get healthy and lose weight to help my chances and I thought that the big tummy could be my muscles sorting themselves out but apparently they don't do that.

Is it possible that I could be pg? What do you ladies think?

Lee-Ann xx
are u late for ur af? only way to tell is a test realy, i didnt bloat out till about week 6 realy but we are all difrent x
Hi, no I am not late yet but I am due on this week.

I am just having no cramps at all now but I did have at the beginning of the week.
you may be - an early response test may work - if you have enough hormones to make all those changes to your body already, then it should show up iykwim......

good luck
Hi, today my boobs are really sore and uncomfortable and I am having no sign of my af showing up either although I am feeling slightly damp (sorry, tmi) and getting small cramps, nothing like my af cramps though.

I am resisting testing for fear of disappointment :-( x

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