could i soon after depo??


Aug 30, 2007
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hi just looking for a bit of advice really. I came off the depo at the end of june, last injection was March, wanting to try for a baby, and although i know it could take some time to get pregnant im just wondering whether i could now be pregnant or is it just my body getting back to its normal ways?

Im a slim woman so weight gain is easily noticeable and i have put quite a bit of weight on, nearly going up a dress size! My breasts have grown quite a lot, growing out of my bras!! And they're quite tender and sore. My period came, only for 1day and that was a day after having intercourse, not at the usual time. Over the last month ive had bit of stomach ache here n there which is something i dont usually suffer with.

I know the easy option is to do a test but im just wondering if it could be a possibility so soon after stopping the depo injection?? Any advice would be nice. I'd be over the moon if i was pregnant now, but as i think it could be too soon after depo i dont want to do a test if it is just be my body getting back to my normal ways.

i think theres a chance, id take a test if i were you. :wink:
Take a test anyways.

But the body can react strangely to depo and you would be lucky to fall pregnant so quickly after coiming off depo
hi it must've been 2 months since you came off it probably- and your symptoms sound suspicious :lol: so put us all out of our misery and test :cheer:

good luck :hug:
I didn't have a period for 18 months after the depo - we tried for a baby and nothing too :hug: In the end I had to go on the pill to get it all back to normal.

Hope you get your bfp
i had a period quite soon after coming off the depo- but then it made me have a brownish bleed constantly for 3 months anyway :x
Hi there, when i came off depo i put a stone on! i also had very light almost not there periods for about 4 months afterwards, i then went on the pill again to regulate myself,

saying that my friend has recently got pregnant the month after she stopped her depo so it is possible

Test Test test!
I came off the depo in april (had last injection in january) and have had three periods since so I think that had I been trying there would be a fair chance I couldve concieved about 2 months after it ran out so if I were you I would definately do a test!
thanks to all advice, i think ill definately test over the weekend!

just an update tho, my partner lay on my stomach this morning, n it was quite uncomfortable, like he was putting pressure on something, which was unusual, ive not said anything to him yet tho....could it be....quite excited in a way!! n now i feel like there's something happening in my stomach a bit like the butterfly feeling u get.......... :? is this more good signs??

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