Could I be pregnant????


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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I know this sounds crazy but need you help!!!!

AF is due on Monday/Tuesday next week but have been struggling to wait to test so on Thursday I tested and got a neg result. Was planning to wait till Monday to test again but this afternoon I was a bit bored and I thought I would test using an OV strip. I know this sounds silly but on the internet I have read that OV strips can pick up the HCG as it is related to the LH.

Now when I looked at the results the test line was darker than the control line which means I am due to ovualting again or could it mean I am pregnant?????

Am scared to test with a HPT as don't want to see a neg result? What do you think?????? Dx
Not sure I'm afraid but didn't want to read and run. Maybe hold on a couple of days like you were planning before you do a hpt again - I am exactly the same as you in that I hate seeing a negative!! Hope this is it for you, fingers crossed :)
iv heard that ov strips can give u a positive but i wouldnt use them untill u have used hpt as if its wrong u may be setting yourself up for extra heartache but good luck xx
You're probably better off waiting - hope it's good news though!!
You are all right!!!

I just need to wait till its time to test using a HPT next week! Its amazing what little things you hang on to when you are trying to get pregnant!!!

I never thought it would be so stressful trying to get pregnant!!

You could try a First Response test, they always gave me faint lines very early on. Good luck :)
I never thought it would be so stressful trying to get pregnant!!

Know exactly what you mean Debs, had no idea how much it would take over once we decided to try, dont think DH quite gets how all consuming it becomes when you are so aware of your body but have no actual control over it. Lets hope we all get our bfp soon :)
Exactly the same happened to me hun :) Ovulation tests picked up my pregnancy before an actual pregnancy test could :D . So yes i think your in with some luck hun x

My hubby definately doesn't realise how stressful it is! Thinking every symptom is because you are pregnant, trying have more time in the sack up to ovulation and counting down the days after ovulation! Its enough to send you crazy!

Hope things happen for you very soon!!!

You'll never believe it but this morning I used a cheapy pregnancy strip as could'nt wait till next week!!

There was a very faint test line!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!

Not convinced I am in the club yet and can't buy another test as its Easter Sunday and all the shops are shut!!!! I'm now very scared now!!!! Don't know what to do with myself till tomorrow! xx
Oh how exciting for you, try and keep yourself busy, we are going to make the most of the weather and go for a nice walk. Good luck for your next test, let us know :)
oooh got any pics for us all, sounds promising?

Bit tricky for you with the shops shut, but by the time there open again, your line should be a corker - fingers crossed X
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I've tried to upload a pic but doesn't really show up!!! My phone camera isn't very good when you zoom in!!!

Counting down the hours till the shops open tomorrow!!!
That's great news hun, looking forward to seeing the results tomorrow x
OMG Debs thats great news.....oh fingers crossed cant wait to see your BFP here tomorrow.....xxxx
How about you Wilma????? I have read all the messages you have posted over the last few days!!!! It sounds like you might be in the club!!!!!

Well Ive had + hpt since thurs...very faint...then light bleeding/spotting wed night when wiping, thurs bit brown discharge and then pinkinsh yesterday and I freaked out! As think I had early MC last month so panicked!

But did another EC tonight and faint line came up just within the ten min time I def think Im pregnant but not prepared to truly believe it till Dr confirms it lol!

Just keep thinking well surely three different HPT brands cant be all giving me false positives....but very wary at the same time..... Wishing the days away till tues so I can hopefully get in to see Dr!

If I am preg I am only 4weeks and 5 days so very early and I think all this can still be either IB or just early pregnancy bleeding but you know whats like we see blood and chuck a mental!! lol


After yesterday I have been convinced that the test strip was a false positive! But today I have been out bought 3 different brand tests and all three come back with a darkish red line!!!!

I've not taken it in yet! I have always had a niggling feeling that I would never be able to have children! I know that sounds silly but was really worried when we started trying 3 months ago as I didin't think it would or could happen!

Hubby at work and not back till after 3pm!!! Can't wait to tell him! He's going to be so shocked!!!!!

Our lives are about to change forever!!!!!!!!

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