Could I be pregnant - help pretty please!


New Member
Jun 26, 2012
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Hi there,

I am not actively trying to conceive so I apologise if I am in the wrong place - my partner and I have been together 9 years and have been using the withdrawal method (bad I know!).

Anyway usually I have a 27 day cycle...I am now on day 32, so 4 days late.

About 8 days ago my nipples were incredibly sore, just the nipples..this is quite unusual for me ( i think I remember this happening only once before) it has spread out and the whole boob is sore..which is more like my usual PMS. However...the little bumps on my nipples are much bigger, and this may sound really wierd..but the nipple area seems a little bigger, especially on the left?!!

I have had some cramping, keep thinking its my period but its just white discharge...

I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative - so I am totally confused..I can accept it could be a wierdly long cycle..its just the changes to my boobs that is really worrying me?

Any ideas - thanks so much in advance! xx
Hey littlejo12, in a similar situation, 7 days late, neg hpt but definite pregnancy symptoms going on. Sooo frustrating isn't it :-( Hopefully it's just a shy BFP due to late ovulation etc ... If that's the outcome you are hoping for ?
Those symptoms can mimic other things than pregnancy unfortunately!
What type of test are you testing with. I would have thought at 4 days late you'd get a positive result. Have you tried with a Clear Blue digital? I'd be tempted to leave it a couple of days and test again. If you still get a negative, but have the same symptoms it would be worth booking an appt with your doctor and getting some bloods done to see if that brings about a positive result.

Good luck, hope you get the result you are looking for
Thanks for all your responses - FirstBabyEek, I used a SuperDrugs own test...a cheapy one. Do you think that makes any difference?

I'm not planning on getting pregnant at the moment, so I'm afraid to say I am kinda hoping it is all a false alarm.. although if it isnt, and I am pregnant...well my partner and I have been together for 8 years so we could definetly handle it!

So do you think negative test at 4days late is a pretty good chance I am not?


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