Could I be in early labour? How long for?

Dec 15, 2014
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I'm 37+2 weeks pregnant and I'm having a very large baby - he was measuring 7lbs 8oz at at a growth scan at 35+5 weeks, and in most of his scans he's measuring weeks ahead! I had a consultant appointment last Friday and they said he hasn't really got any more room to grow so it's likely he'll make an appearance before his due date, but he has another growth scan arranged for the 16th (just over a week before my due date) to check him again. At the appointment she felt his head (which was 3/5 engaged, up from 2/5 from my midwife appointment the previous day). Soon after the appointment I started getting some pains - I've never had a baby so I don't really know what contractions feel like, but they were basically sharp pains at the bottom of my bump/uterus that came in waves, and built up in intensity before dying down. Later that evening they got a lot worse, and I was in agony so my fiancee phoned the hospital who told me to go to Labour/Delivery to get checked. When I got there the pains eased off, but they hooked me up to the monitor and gave me an interal - she said my cervix is closed (but she could fit a finger tip in) and it's quite far back, but she could feel the babies head, and he's now 4/5 engaged! After an hour or two of monitoring (his heart rate was erractic, going from 130bpm to 180pm) I was sent home.

The next morning, I had quite a bit of brown mucus on my tissue when I wiped - I don't think it's enough to be the full mucus plug but it was quite a lot! I thought this may be because of my internal examination but I'm not sure. Throughout the day I had the pains reappear again, and Saturday night I was up all night with waves of period type cramping where my stomach would go hard too. Yesterday (Sunday) wasn't too bad but I still had the pains, so they same really irregular. My midwife thinks this is likely to be early labour, which can last for hours or weeks! Did anyone else have these sort of irregular pains when they were close to their due date, and how long did it take for you to go into full labour? Any tips on progressing it quicker? They may need to induce me if I don't go in soon as he's likely over 8lb already and I really want to avoid that :(
Some of our ladies stop started like this over a period of a fortnight
In the end some needed inducing as their body wouldnt start itself xx
I was in early labour for about 3 weeks - it kept coming & going! Just because you are having a big baby doesn't mean you will give birth early - I went 11 days over and he was 9lb 12.5 - it's frustrating but you just have to wait it out!
Best thing to do is keep as active as you can - long walks - bounce on a ball of you have one and it might help things along xx
Thanks both, I've lost more mucus today - like yellowy snot! I've also noticed babies quieter, not enough to cause concern but I wonder if this is a sign too
Try nipple stimulation. If your cervix is favourable, it could help speed things up :)
I'm in early labour. It's been confirmed by labour ward I am having contractions. My cervix is favourable and I am dilating though. This has been going on all weekend, but could still take days, even weeks much to my horror for actual labour to start.
My contractions have been coming and going, and very very painful. But never actually amounting to anything.
For the last few weeks I have had terrible cramps and sharp pains, braxton hicks but nothing like these pains. I am having to stop what I am doing.
Unless your cervix is dilating and softening i don't think you'll go into labour just because your baby is bigger. maybe your consultant will have some suggestions. But the only advice I'v been given is walking off contractions, paracetamol and baths. Once my contractions get to 3 in 10 mins I will be admitted into labour ward. If that doesn't happen by 40 weeks then they will book in an induction date. I'm only 38 weeks so I'm hoping things just go soon.

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