cot in own room (from birth)


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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hi did any one put there baby straight into a cot from birth in babies own room?
with Dior i done the complete opposit, she was in her carrycot next to my bed, i defo dont want this baby in my room from day one, (oh that sounds nasty)
but i just found that i spent all night checking Dior was breathing and any movement or moan ild wake. so this baby is defo going in his own room next to mine with a baby monitor but will he be ok going straight into a cot??
its not a cotbed its a normal mamas and papas size cot?

or will a newborn be to small or feel unsafe??

any one got experience with this or advice?
hiya dionne
Jess was in her cot from day 2 as I couldnt sleep with her in the room. I was too jumpy and checking ever 2 mins. She slept for a few weeks in the carrycot bit of her pram lifted into the cot then it was into the cot in a gro bag and she has always been a wonderfull sleeper and good at actually going to bed. She is still a noisy sleeper :D ,we were away last weekend and she slept in the travel cot and she did sleep all night but she shuffles and grunts, I couldnt sleep right at all.

This time though its not going to be so easy as I only have a 2 bedroomed flat and baby will really need to be in with us.

How does Dior sleep now?
hi ya B went into his own room, from day 1, his room is rite next to mine and i can hear everythign lol

if it looks like he finds it too big you could always swaddle him and see if that helps. We had the moses basket in his cot but then when he went into the cot at about 3 or 4 weeks we swaddled him otherwise he found the space to much. Now he's bigger he's fine with it.

Hi laura, when i first put dior into her own room at 6months she was a nightmare screamed the min i left her as she wasnt used to sleeping with out me it was rough and took 2 weeks of no sleep and detirmination but she soon gave in now she is a godsend at night i put her in her cot at 7.30 awake wth her bottle then i walk out shut the door and dont here from her till i have to wake her to get ready in the morning....
Hi Dionne

I had a meeting yest with the m/w and we went through the infant feeding checklist - I was shocked to hear her say that they reccommend that the baby sleeps in the same room as you for the first 6 months, she even suggested taking the door frame off our bedroom (after I told her that it was already built and up in the nursery!) and to try and get the cot/bed in our bedroom - I thought NO WAY!!!!! We have bought a moses basket and planned to have it in with us for the first couple of months, or until it outgrows the basket then we will move it into it's own cot/bed.

Ther e was a post on this 6 month thing before not sure where though but basically we said that the reason they say this is cos of cot death but as long as you have monitore you can hear as much if not more anyway and i know this sounds horrid but it's a fact if it's gonna happen it's gonna happen whether you're in the room or not.
Manda x
maheen has been in her own room from the beginning, and when I see how fussy she is during the day, I thank God we did that! During the day, she finds it very hard to go to sleep without me in the same room, whereas at night, she is used to it and even if she makes funny noises, like an old door, or a car applying breaks ( :think: ), she sleeps fine, and happily.
We can hear everything anyway.
you will soon recognise which noise is fine, and which is not!

Mel xx
what I dont understand is that if, god forbid, a baby died of cotdeath during the night how would being in the same room stop this?

Does anyone know why they recommend this.

I had the baby moniter next to the bed but her room was next to ours and you could hear almost everything.
aint got a clue :think: :think:

they must just asume that u would wake :doh: ???

dont see how thou, dont make sence to me...

godforbid but imagin waking up to see your baby like that?
the poor mothers would have to be so strong to get over something like that

i was a nervous wreck with Dior i used to always check her breathing at night..

has any one ever had it where u have woke up half asleep and thought the baby is in the bed or some thing? i have woke b4 freaking out thinkin where the hell is she but she was safe and sound in her moses basket
I did that! Damien was staying over at my mum and dad's for the night so me and Mark had a couple of drinks down the pub and headed to bed early to catch up on sleep. But at about 3am (when Damien would have a bottle normally at that age) I woke up in a panic and started searching round the house, under the bed, everywhere for Damien and was about to go out to the car and see if he was in his car seat before I woke up properly and realised he wasn't in our house at all but was safe and sound at my mums! Felt like such a plonker :oops:
Mum did say he woke up about that time for a bottle at her house too, mothers instinct I guess.
yh its crazy and a horrible feeling,
i think i was just so over tired i started patting all round the bed thinking she was under the quilt some where, its crazy what no sleep can do to u
Lmao Sami - that's the funniest thing I've heard in ages, what you like!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I breastfed I used to find it difficult to stop myself falling asleep with her on the breast, so every time I woke up I though she was still there and when she wasn't I thought she had fallen out of the bed. But she was always safe in her moses basket. I was just sooooo tired I couldn't remember putting her back in!!! :D
It was the most stupid surreal thing I have ever done, I was even looking in the kitchen cupboards, the bin, the porch, everywhere. God knows why I would put Damien in the cupboard with the biscuits and baked beans :oops:

As for sleepign int heir own room, I have Damine in his cot next to me as I type. his cot is up against my bed so that if he decides to come into bed with me whilst he wakes up in the mornign before I get up to do his bottle, he won't fall out of bed. I think I am reluctant to let him go into his own room because he had breathing problems etc. I just don;t feel ready to let him go yet, I like him being in with us. When he sleeps through a bit better I will move his cot into his own bedroom.
Theres is no way having them in your room makes a difference, i do listen when they say not to let them get too hot and lay them on their back but draw the line at having them in with us.

I used to be the worlds worst in fact i still am if Abi is asleep i go and put my hand on her to check she is still breathing i've had it happen a couple of times where i haven;t felt anything and my heart has started racing and felt sick and dizzy and i've shook her in her cot and shes woke up and looked at me as if to say what mum, it's so scary (when i say shook i mean when she's led down rocking her to wake her not shaking as in picking her up)

ont know how id ever cope if anything happened, there was a girl off here who lost hers i was still pregnant i felt so bad for her i cried when i told OH.
i odnt see wot the diffo is, if i had B in my room i wouldnt have slept, where he is i can hear every grone (SPL) and i am up like a shot lol, i here them before my mum a VERY light sleeper, so it must be a mothers instinct lol

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