Cot escape

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi girls -

we walked into the bedroom of our holiday cottage one evening to find Naomi hanging off the top rail by her armpits, with her feet on the bottom edge of the rail!

We are now afraid that she might climb out of the cot at night and have read about a little tent type thing of netting that might be an idea to fasten over the top.

Does anyone think this is a good idea or do you think we should just put a gate on her bedroom door (she locked the door of our office this morning, luckily I was outside it at the time) and change her cot to a bed?

Hi, long time since we last spoke :)

I would change her cot to a bed personally. She sounds like she is ready for it
i wouldnt put a net thing over it

i have read reports about the net bedrails you can get they only have a bit of netting on them but babies have hung themselves onm thm before :shock:

so i wouldnt have a net cover, i would put her in a bed
Thanks, girls.

Hi beanie, yes, long time no see. My bebo page hasn't been that active lately because we have been so busy. Plus I'm spending more time in the TTC section of this forum lately - you've guessed it, we're going for number 2!

Hi Dionne. Gosh, I didn't even think of that - how horrible to even think about. Thanks for the heads up. Aren't Dior and Harley getting so big! Lovely little munchkins!

Hi Sue :wave: How are you??

I agree, Its maybe time to do the toddler bed thing. xx
:D Hi Hels! Hi Saulino!

Thanks, we'll do it as soon as we can, in the meantime we won't have anything in the cot that she can stand on!

Fantastic news your TTC again!! Good Luck!!

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