Cot Bumpers


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Whilst I was looking online at prices etc I found information that says that they are not recommended in the US because of their link with cot death. But everyone on here seems to have no worries using them???

It said that there is a risk of baby becoming entangled in the ties or even suffocating if it turns over and has it's face pushed up against the padding. I've always thought of getting one as it would prevent baby's arms or legs getting caught in the bars, but it says the risk of baby getting hurt that way is better than the risk of cot death from using them.

Am very unsure about what to do.....any advice??? xxx
Hey Amanda honey, how you doing?

I'm exactly the same as idea what to do so I will await responses from others!

Hiya girls,

I have one but it's for decoration really. He's nowhere near the bumper with his feet at the end of the cot and the bumper at the other.

To be honest, the price of them (and quilts! - pointless until 12 months old) I wouldn't bother. I was lucky I got my bedding in the sale for £30 but it shouldve been £90! Rip off!
Mine is in the foot to feet position and Islas head is well above the top of it. I use it as Isla likes to flail her arms about and I was worried she would trap her arms in the railing.

When i had my son 5 years ago i remember ppl being right against them but i did have one on connors bed.. I think it would be so difficult for a newborn to pull them down unless they werent tied right. and have also seen ones that clip on instead of a tie..Guess its again one of these things some ppl like them others are dead against it. I think they look really nice and makes the cot look so cosy and cute but if u really worried maybe best not to have one.xx
My girls were in a moses basket until 6 months then a cot without bumpers, had heard advice against using them, at 6 months they never got stuck arms etc, but wouldn't know about younger than this.
I saw on TV someone that had designed a safe version that attaches from the outside and is made from breathable fabric, i cant remeber what they called them tho. I used mine as decoration untill Ethan went in2 the cot at 6months then took it out. x
I'm not going to bother with one or a quilt. Just sheets, blankets and sleeping bags just now.

Hiya girls,

I have one but it's for decoration really. He's nowhere near the bumper with his feet at the end of the cot and the bumper at the other.

To be honest, the price of them (and quilts! - pointless until 12 months old) I wouldn't bother. I was lucky I got my bedding in the sale for £30 but it shouldve been £90! Rip off!

Agree with this, costs so much which is fine if you can afford it but with so much other stuff to buy I won't be. Will get her a quilt when shes 12 months.


Thanks all :)

I do think they look really nice and make the cot/crib look so cosy but I must say they are well overpriced - could buy a king size duvet for cheaper, lol. Might leave it and see how it goes with baby poking arms through xxx
we had one up for ages before J was here with us and we were speaking to some friends of ours who have had 5 babies between them and they said that twice (one time with a different child) that the babies had managed to gat caught up in them and started to go blue for getting trapped and it completely put me off. I think i would have kept it up but when Josh sleeps he's all over the bed!! literally he moves about lie crazy! x
YEAH they look good Hippy,I'd get those one if I were getting some...I so need to win the big jackpot tonight,lol !!
I was thinkin about this today- they're not advised to b used after 6 months cos of risk of entanglement but the quilts shouldn't b used til 12 months cos of risk of cot death so what is the actual point in them? They look nice but practically can't b used together!

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