COST of childcare


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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my little girl starts nursery in march as unfortunately the time has come for me to go back to work. my little boy already goes to nursery and loves it so im hoping grace gets that same enjoyment. the only thing is the cost £749 a month!!!!! :shock: i do get tax credits but even with that we will still be paying out quite a bit. i cant believe that im encourged to go back to work but end up paying a large chunk of my wage on childcare. anyone have the same comlaint??? the nursery staff are great, its right next to my house etc so i dont want to move them. especially now my son is settled there. but if we cant afford it then we are faced with a dilema of what to do............ any advice
gosh that's a lot.. ours is £26 a day..

erm.. have you thought about the childcare element of tax credits? not sure how much that brings in cos I don't think me and OH are entitled to it..

or can you get busy bee vouchers through your work?
they give you near enough a third off your childcare costs if the nursery is one that accepts them..?
I'm so glad my mum have offered to have Lola for me because i don't know how i could have afforded childcare costs like that :shock:
i think we will get childcare part of tax credits but when i rang you cant regester for it until the day they start so can not plan ahead as i wont know how much im going to get. we only have 1 parent between us (my dad) so unfortunately we will always have to pay for childcare.
This is something i am really dreading, we can only just afford to live now so i dont know how we will cope with childcare, it will cost £27 a day for Amber roughly so that x5 is 135 a week so oh my god over 500 a month thats like half my wage!!

i dont know if i am entitled to help will have to check this, hun i hope you get things sorted, moving can be a pain especially if your LO has got settled xx
Probably sounds a bit drastic but this bothered me so much that we have just sold our house so we dont have to pay a mortgage so that I can stay at home with Maddison :lol: I refuse to pay hundreds of pounds a month to not see my daughter. Its too bleeding expensive :x
You can probably get help from tax credits due to paying out so much for childcare, worth a try :hug:
Its ridiculous isn't it. So many people moan about people having children and not returning to work etc.. but how do they expect them to when it costs that much!! We pay £221 a month for 2 half day afternoon sessions a week but that is personal choice as my Mum has him the rest of the time so I wanted him to mix with other children but even that I find is alot of money. We're not entitled to childcare tax credit as we have a high income coming in but they should be able to tell you over the phone how much you could be entitled to before your child starts nursery, they did when I enquired; got a big fat £0 as the answer but hey. She just asked me a couple of questions.
Yay @ dont have to go back to work!!

I would love to stay at home but we just cant afford it...its robbery it really is these childcare costs.

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