Coping with a mmc and a pregnancy

i'm so pleased all was well :) i hope your scan goes well, too Jaiandlea x
Glad to hear all is well!

I am pregnant after a MMC and it's just terrifying, isn't it!

Good luck for your next scan xx
Hi Furbaby, So happy for you! Was reading this thread this morning and just wanted to jump back on to see how you went today.
Ill be tcc very soon after my mc this month and its so nice to read good news like yours :)
So glad for your happy news furbaby :) wishing you a healthy continuation of your pregnancy x
Yay! Wonderful news! :) Its really hard to be positive after a mmc. My first was one. When we fell pg again, I didn't believe it and even when we were at the gynae for an internal echo, the DR had to tell me about 3 times to look at the screen and the heartbeat, I was so scared to see no heartbeat ;-)
Remember, being pg, doesn't always mean that you 'feel' pg. You don't need to be nauseous or eating loads, hormonal etc etc etc.. :) Wishing you a H&H 9 months xxx
Thank you all, I've been trying to stay away from the pregnancy forum and still don't feel ready to join tri 1, but thank you all so much for understanding..... The midwife (who was training a sonographer) made everyone in the room confirm a heart beat as I didn't believe her!

I still haven't told family I'm not sure when I'll feel ready (am technically 10 weeks) I have another 'official dating scan next week on the 17th! So maybe then :/

At this rate I may send out pregnancy announcement cards and birth announcement cards at the same time....... Because I think I'll only believe it's ok then xx
I've been wallowing in my self pity the past few days and didn't see your original post until now. I'm so pleased for you! It's a real ray of sunshine. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy. x
Lulu I am so incredibly sorry for your loss, and how traumatic it must have been. Hugs and love xxxxxxxxxxxxx

You may not feel like it now but you will be ok :(


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