Coping with a mmc and a pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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This time last year I was pregnant .... At my 13 week scan we discovered the baby had died at 10 weeks (some may remember my post) I was devastated and opted for ERPC but had to wait 5 days with my dead baby still inside me ..... I cried so so much ....

We decided not to try again but despite this almost a year to the date we fell pregnant again and I am 100% convinced this is also a mmc .... I have few symptoms and I can't describe it but I know something is wrong... The worse part is EPU just keep saying the same thing over and over 'if there's no bleeding, then no need to worry' or 'I'm sure everything is fine' FFS I feel like screaming! There is rarely bleeding with a mmc so there words are not comforting at all

I just feel like I have to spend the next 2-3 weeks 'pregnant' before a scan confirms what I feel I already know ;(

Sorry I needed a place to cry x
What a stressful time for you furbaby. Sounds like epu aren't keen on scanning, would you consider a private scan? I know they can be pricey, and only reassuring at that moment but would give you an indication if all is well. I hope it's a positive outcome for you xx
It's very difficult to be positive after miscarriages, I think especially mmcs. I know you won't be able to truly believe it, but the lack of symptoms really doesn't mean anything. I had my strongest symptoms with my first mmc which stopped growing before 5 weeks - the symptoms carried on until week 7. My second mmc stopped growing at 7 weeks and my symptoms were less. This pregnancy I'm carrying now, I had even less nausea in the first few weeks than the first two and my sore boobs were present but much more manageable, and it's survived to 12 weeks so far. Many women don't feel pregnant at all and have healthy babies.

Even so, knowing that symptom severity can vary didn't really ease my mind. It's only the passing of time that has helped me, getting past previous dates has helped, early scans helped though the reassurance only lasted a week or so then I started thinking about the possibilty of mmc again.

I can't offer you any advice that will actually ease your mind, you will worry anyway, you just have to take it one day at a time and try to find some distractions to pass the time. Good luck.
It's so hard, I can't really afford a private scan and my epu annoys me because I know they aren't being truthful that no bleeding means all is ok...

I've had some pain, and just general discomfort and I don't feel pregnant and very few symptoms I did have are disappearing so I feel I am 80% sure that this is another mmc, to top it off I have the occasional fine thread of blood in my discharge.... Epu know this but don't care.

I'm going to tell my midwife on Monday that I don't see the point of this booking in appointment because I doubt I have a viable pregnancy any more

I just feel so sad and uncomfortable :(
Hi furbaby, I'm so sorry you are going through this stress, it's so hard not to worry. I would ring EPU again and say you've had spotting and you don't have the money to go private and that you lost your previous baby at 10weeks (you might get a nicer person), could you get your GP to ring?

With my first MMC I paid £60 for a private scan as my local EPU wouldn't see me. I did have a 2nd MMC but it is quite rare to have two in a row.

Sending lots of hugs and I hope your little baby bean is ok. Xx
Thank you :)

I have my booking in appointment on Monday so am going to lay it all out for my midwife. My gp agreed I needed a scan but he phoned epu to refer and they REFUSED to scan me as I had no bleeding!

I know every mc is awful and traumatic but I can't help but think at least with the start of bleeding etc you can prepare yourself - last time with a mmc we didn't know anything was wrong till 13 weeks... That's the best part of 9 weeks of planning and getting excited about a baby only to be told the worst news :(
If your dr seems to be approachable then would it be worth getting regular bloodtests done to check your hcg kevels. They are supposed to roughly double every 48 hours at the beginning. I dont know if with a mmc they do anyway but may be worth a try!
Hi there,
This must be awful for you, I really feel your pain. I went last week for my first scan (10 weeks) and have been told my pregnancy is very unlikely to be viable. So I waiting now to mmc naturally or get re-scanned on Friday to see if theres any change (it doesnt look good).
I had absolutely no symptoms like bleeding or pain so didnt know anything was wrong at all.
I just know when I fall pregant next time Ill be sick with worry the first weeks until I get that first scan.
Its a horrible feeling the unknowing and I really hope it works out for you this time.
Ive read lots and lots of examples on this site and others of ladies who go on to have healthy pregnancies after mcc and the statistical odds of it happening again are fairly low. Still, its hard to think positive since youve gone through it once already.
Fingers crossed for you, keep us updated,

Take care xx
I just wanted to say I really appreciate all your replies , isn't it strange I feel more comfortable posting in here than in first tri? Today is D day the scan is at 2pm then I'll know if this pregnancy is over or not ..... Up till now the dr and midwife have refused to do blood tests or early scans despite some spotting and pain. I can honestly say I am not looking forward to this scan one tiny bit x
Fingers crossed all goes well today, it must be scary for you. Its normal to want to avoid first tri at first, hope we get to see you over there later with a fab scan pic. fx hun x x
Thanks wifey .... I have posted once or twice but seems like I'm tempting fate.... It's sad I feel more comfortable here but I imagine that everyone here has a better understanding of what I am going through xxx
Well I'm over in December mummies thread for when you do decide to join. x
Hi furbaby, sending you lots of positive thoughts for this afternoon, I hope all goes well - how many weeks are you today. It's all so stressful but I'm glad you are finally getting your scan xxx
Was hoping to see a positive update. Hope you are ok x
It's ok :) there was a heartbeat .... I'm much earlier than I hoped but there is a strong heart beat! I am 8.5 to 9 weeks and will be rescanned in 3 weeks!!!!!!!! :)
Hi hun, I havn't posted on this thread yet but I have been silently reading & wishing you well. I'm so pleased everything is ok. Hopefully now you can relax a little over the next 3 weeks & be excited for your next scan instead of anxious. I have my scan on Thursday after both my previous pregnancies being miscarriages and know how anxious the wait can be! Wishing you a healthy, happy & worry-free pregnancy from now on :) xx
Thank you Jaiandlea I really hope that your scan is a good one too and that we both have sticky babies.... I'll try to relax but it doesn't feel likely lol

Hi furbaby, delighted to hear your baby bean has a strong heartbeat. FX this is your sticky baby bean and you can start to enjoy the pregnancy in Tri 2 :) xx
Hi furbaby im so happy to here your news. Hopefully you will feel comfortable to come join the December mummies now

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