Contraceptive injection


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I had my 8 week check with the doctor yesterday and we obviously discussed contraception. I told her I wasn't keen on the pill because I dunno if I'd remember to take it anymore, and asked about the patch as it's similar but only needs to be changed weekly. She then suggested the injection. I asked her if it'll effect my skin (I used to have really bad skin and was put on dianette to help, which it did) she said if it was bad enough to be put on dianette she was unsure about me using it as it lasts for 3 months, is hormonal and can't be removed but she did say she can prescribe me spot cream should I need it. I wasn't given any other options (possibly because I'm EBF?)

I went and put the prescription in and booked my appt with the nurse for Thursday but since coming home and having a think and reading the information I don't think I want to go on it and I'm not sure what to do, I don't want to have to go back to the doctor as I dunno what else she can suggest.

The injection not only will affect me for 3 months BUT can mean you might not be able to conceive for 2 years even after 1 use (that's rough estimates don't have the exact figures in front of me) but we want our second in 2-3 years so that wouldn't help would it?

What should I do?

Maybe discuss with ur OH Hun! I am not going on any hormonal contraceptive because we had such probs getting O we don't wanna make it impossible if we decide we want another.
We r gonna use condoms, I know they aren't everyones cup of tea but for us was best option xx

I had the injections for several years and I gained a bit of weight and definitely made spots a lot worse. I stopped using it when we got married and used condoms for 3 years until we started trying for Ben. We don't want anymore children so I would consider using it again but if you want more children fairly soon I wouldn't. C0uld you have the implant?
I can't remember my skin getting any worse but my jab run out in the July of 2010 and I conceived Sophie in the April of 2011 so 10 months of the injection still playing an effect in me.

I didn't mind being on it tbh. It meant that I was covered as im useless with remembering to take the pill. I didn't have any weight gain either xx
I didn't want to go back on the pill after having Kayden, I promised myself i'd find another contraceptive, i've been on the pill for 13 years (apart from both times being pg & ttc) I looked into the coil but backed out because of probs ttc after having it and same reason i didn't want the injection. We aren't the best when it comes to condoms. So I went back on the pill, I worry about forgetting it, but I've got a strange way of remembering...I keep the pill next to my bathroom towels, coz I change the hand towel every day so always see them on top. Is there one thing you do every single day that would help you remember? How about in your underwear drawer? Or next to your toothbrush (somewhere you will see it)

I didn't want to go back on the pill after having Kayden, I promised myself i'd find another contraceptive, i've been on the pill for 13 years (apart from both times being pg & ttc) I looked into the coil but backed out because of probs ttc after having it and same reason i didn't want the injection. We aren't the best when it comes to condoms. So I went back on the pill, I worry about forgetting it, but I've got a strange way of remembering...I keep the pill next to my bathroom towels, coz I change the hand towel every day so always see them on top. Is there one thing you do every single day that would help you remember? How about in your underwear drawer? Or next to your toothbrush (somewhere you will see it)


I used to put it in my make up bag but I don't wear it everyday anymore lol! My OHs a clean freak so it's hard for me to put it somewhere without him tidying it away. Can I stick it to the baby's forehead???

Would the doctor think I'm a time waster if I went back? Would I look like an idiot? Ive already put the prescription in, would the doctor want it back??

looooooooooolll - here's an idea....put it next to baby nappies, your bound to remember at least once a day?

Of course the doc wouldn't think you're silly. U can just cancel the prescription.

My OH drives me insane tidying things away

How about the implant you can use that whilst breastfeeding, it lasts 3 years but you can have it removed earlier and your fertility is supposed to return add soon as its removed xx

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Just rung the doctors cancelled the appt going in next week to get the pill. OH wasn't bothered by my choice but I realised that if I'm questioning it so much it obviously isn't the right choice for me.

Couldn't you set an alarm on your phone for every day and name it 'pill'? My friend does yhat, I thought it was a good idea.but ky phones always on silent, not for a particular reason I just don't like ringtones or vibrate weirdly...although set it so it doesn't disturb Tyler's nap xx
I was on the injection for a while but didn't like not having a period. Just felt odd to me. And also the injection lasts for different lengths of time for each person so didn't seem as safe IMO. I know they get you to have repeat injection 2 weeks before its due to "run out" as it were. Still didn't feel safe though. Me n oh will just use condoms for now. Heard the pill can affect milk supply?xx
I was told I couldn't have the infection as I'm breastfeeding? Did your GP not mention that? I'm on Cerrazete now as only thing available?
Oh...i forgot you were breastfeeding. I think pill wise its only the mini-pill you can have, not sure about injection. Worth checking out tho!

Whats the whole thing about not falling pg when breastfeeding?

I personally dont trust the pill as i got pregnant whilst on it. I took it religiously only missing it once and no way was that how I got pg as Leandro would have been nearing 18months lol I just got the injection done Monday. I've been on it before the pill and didn't gain any weight and my skin seemed fine. I only got off it because they made the needle bigger. Stupid really considering I had 2 tattoos by that point lol. But not sure about bf. But wouldn't doc have said something if it wasn't safe xxx
I use the patch and I have to say, I love it! If you want to know anything else just ask :) x

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