contraceptive implant


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Hey girls for those of you wondering about different contraceptives I had the implant today, i will let you know how it goes what my bleeding is like and side effects ect. It didnt hurt!
How do get them out if you decide to TTC again or if you don't want it anymore or have to change it?
Cheers Lauz, am looking into different contraceptions so will be intertesed in hearing how it goes x
Hi all

I had the contraceptive implant after my second and had it taken out last may (was fed up with it)

Sami they take it out by giving you a small local anastetic(sp) and making a small incision then slowly push it out it takes about a couple of minutes.

Although I'd never have it again it really wasn't the contraceptive for me.

irregular periods are quite common for the first year, but I was having periods that lasted for 2 weeks then stopped for a week then started again. went to the docs and they just gave me the pill to take for 3 months :shock: , but I was persistant thought I could handle it for a year and I did but my periods still didn't settle they were very irregular ( I was normally like clockwork) quite heavy and somtimes painfull I put up with it for nearly the whole 3 years but had had enough and had it removed.

Although not all women have this problem some don't even have periods at all, some peoples settle down and become regular, I have a few friends that have also had it some were ok but most had it removed after a year.

It's worth a try but if you find its not for you then don't hastitate in getting it removed.

sorry it's so long and negetive but I thoguht I'd share my experence it'd be interesting to see how it is for someone else.

:shock: Ill see how it goes, hoping my periods will stop but I know it could be the oppasite. Sami you can have it removed whenever you want, and you can ttc straight away too. It says it is possible to concieve straight after having it removed it doesnt take time to get out of your system. well Ill let you know, Im hoping my period wont be too erratic but Iv been told to persevere and it will settle down.
When I was on the pill I got quite moody....does anyone know if you get the same side effects with the implant?

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