Contraception and breastfeeding

mum's the word

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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What method did you use? I wanted another baby (maybe a bigger gap) this time when I caught whilst breastfeeding, but don't plan on another baby. Condoms are so blinkin' inconvenient!
I wanted to go back on the coil but they wouldn't give me one unless I had a period... as I was still heavily breastfeeding at the time, I never got a period and the pill they have given me means I probably won't get one. I haven't had a period since April 2007 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm currently on the progesterone only pill.
I'm on the depo injection. So much easier as remembering to take the pill got me here in the first place! :rotfl:
After my daughter I attempted 3 times to have the hormone coil fitted (cant remember the name lol) but after it broke twice and would stay in place on the 3rd attempt I thought fate was telling me to look into something else :lol:
I took the injection and was on it for years! It was good! But after I think 5 years he doc told me that she would prefer me to change to something else as after a certain amount of time on the injection it can lead to brittle bones?! ( I cant remember totally but doc advised me to change it) so had the implant fitted which was great for about a year then I got erratic bleeding etc and had it removed! In the last few months of the implant I took cerazette also to stop the bleeding etc and continued with that until TTC!
Depo injection, its what I used before conceiving Isaac and I like the fact it took my periods away and hoping it does this time, though I've not had a period yet anyway, still somtimes worry I may be pregnant again haha
for the first 5 months i was using exclusive breastfeeding as my only contraception NB: please research this if u wanna do it- it *can* be 99% effective but only if done properly- there are some strict rules to it!

apparently this is effective for 6 months but i felt a bit less confident as the time approached, so one month early i started the mini-pill as back-up.

i was on this for 3 months until i stopped BFing when my LO was 8 months old then i went back on the normal pill.

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