Stupid life stress!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Well where do i start?

Hmm!! Well we now dont have a car on the road due to the insurance costing us £1200 because weve had a few bumps which has made the insurance go up...
Also the council are trying to put a bollard on our driveway as it says on the deeds we have rear vehicle access so with the car having no insurance we needed to park the car so we parked right outside nearing the end of our parking area so they didnt bollard it an the following morning we had a doctors appointment and 2 hours later they came and put a bollard next to the car :shock::mad: and because the cement wasnt set hubby was so peed off his actually took out the bollard :eh: with his father and had ago at the council this is all becuase the council want to sell that part of land which is not there right on doing so because we own that part an its states in the deeds that its ours.
So the council said on the phone they'll still put the bollard down but on there area and not ours!!!!

So tonight hubby has just renewed the insurance because if they bollard it tmos theres no way of getting the car out so we had no choice but to put it back on the road because now we have insurance and its costing a bomb so now were skinto :(.

And another problem. We own our house partly so we still pay the mortgage and as were getting help with the mortgage something bout the interest were getting help with but that will stop next november an the only way at the minute for our shopping to get paid is by rentting out a lodger and he says hes going to be moving out at some point after the new year which therefore means we need to find another lodger but it might prove difficult but if we struggle before or near november we might not have a place an if we try and get a council an for the house to be repossessed we will need to pay 12 years towards this house to get the house paid so we might aswell try an keep on at the house with renting.

Im so confused with all this and i dont need this stress but i no OH will be the stress head and he suffers with depression and doesnt work and is waiting for therapy an im at home sorting out baby and even if hubby went back to work we will be in the same boat money wise as going to work 50 hours a week is the same amount of pay just about as being on the sick.
sorry needed to rant somewhere to much on me plate at the minute!! x
The interest has gone up since the new governtment came out but they said they will help us for a year i think it will be on interest free for a year then we have to pay it in full which is why were saving up what we can before november next year which im saving by using child tax an child benefit but i get lil mans clothes etc out of it to. so its all such a struggle and by november again i was worried this christmas now ive got to flipping think of next christmas!!! :( no wonder im depressed lol x
:hug: Sorry it's all so stressful for you :( Have you checked that you're claiming everything that you're entitled to?
I don't understand why the council are putting a bollard on your drive? Why are they not letting you have access to land that you own? x
Cos there tryin to claim that its theres so its ok for them to try and sell it but its ours as its states in the deeds council dont care they just tell us to go to the solicitors but we cant we have no money for an hour an pay vat up to 100 quid an hour on top of vat :(
I dont think were entitled for anything else weve looked. I worry what will happen for us because our wee man is nearly 5 months old and there pushin everything on us its just not fair x
O hon, sorry to hear that things r so stressful - lots of solicitors will do an initial consultation for free and u might not need much after that - maybe just a letter written which would cost about 50 quid. Or you could try CAB to see if they can help?
k x x x
Well hubby went out to sort his car out an at half 8 the builders from the council were tryin to put the bollard in so my hubby said when he gets a letter stating something then he will budge his car for them to put the bollard in and council are saying they will get a letter out by the end of the day. Weve now had to insure the car because if they do manage to bollard it we wont be able to get the car out lol.
The council will end up getting there way AS THEY ALWAYS DO :mad:
We have no money for the solicitors so the council will get away with it :(
Hubby stressing but i dont blame him although were now starting to think about going bankcrupt the second time cos all this stress is doing no good for any of us we just wana live properly an peacefully. If we go bankcrupt the 2nd time an tell them to get rid of the house thats the only way were guna be able to get out payin the mortgage on it for 12 years cos we seriously cannot afford it.

Me poor lil man has a cough an is sick on almost every feed he wont take much of the feed now he seems sleepy alot more today aswell hope hes guna be ok :(
I actually feel like cryin today x
:hug: Sorry it's all so stressful for you :( Have you checked that you're claiming everything that you're entitled to?
I don't understand why the council are putting a bollard on your drive? Why are they not letting you have access to land that you own? x

There delibratly trying to stop us using access as they wana sell that part of land off an because its behind the back of the garages they wana knock the garages down an put flats or houses there which personally we do not want.

The solicitors where we are is free for the first meeting but if they think they can help us they said it would cost us £100 hour plus VAT and because the council know were on benefits they told us to get the solicitors involved i think they like taking thre P*ss lol x
well they were guna put one in until hubby went round the back an they were already tryin to get it in they got bollard ready but the car was parked over it so the people that were guna put the bollard in rang the council and sed there was a car and they said they didnt care and for them to carry on doing it so hubby was there sayin when there is a letter stated something then they can do it until then they cant!! Lol.

So the council sed they wud drop the letter off by the end of the day its not 5pm no sign of a letter so hubbys gone be up again early tomorrow as thats when there guna turn up. It seems and endless mission with the council to be honest an ive tried telling hubby is it worth it?? but he wants to do it his way so im leaving him to it lol x
are u on any benefits, surly u cud b assessed for legal aid to help towards the payment towards the solicitors fees.

surly if its your land they are trying to put a bollard on, n ur deeds show this, they cant do oat unless they PAY you yto purchase the land to be then able to put a bollard on?

good luck hun

I think my hubby has tried all he can to try an not get a bollard in.
He says he wrote to them if he they can prove in the deeds that its not owned by him they can put a bollard in but they havent been back to bother us since.
Not sure whats happening at the moment its a right pain an i hope they can leave us alone until after christmas atleast lol . x

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