Consultant yesterday!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Hellow fellow fatties...

This is my 3rd attempt at posting this as everytime I have clicked submit my internet has disconected me or I got the max users error grrr :evil:


I went to book in with consultant yesterday. I did a wee sample in a lovely pie tin lol :lol: (it's what they gave me, it's what they use there) :think: Got checked over by a student Dr...BP, heart, lungs etc...he asked me loads of questions about family history (luckily my Mum walked in to come and pick me up, so she could answer it all...phyew lol)

Then a Dr came to see me and she said there's noway she's referring me back to just my midwife with a first baby of such a good size so they are going to share my care...gosh I feel special :angel: :lol:

So I have to attend all the appointments my midwife gives me plus the consultant ones.

Also guess what...

I get 2 extra scans!! :cheer: I have my normal 20 week scan on 23rd March, then a GTT for diabetes on 14th May, 28 week growth scan on 18th May plus consultant on 18th May too. Then another growth scan at 34 weeks! :cheer:

Starting 3rd round of antibiotics today too :pray: they work this time so I can feel normal again. Dr's surgery called this morning to say swab results are back and it's just a bit of thrush so they have prescribed me cream for that...oh and I don't have cylmidia (sp?) ... I knew that anyhoo! They are just obsessed about swabbing people for it :lol:

So all is so far so good...until I actually have the growth scans and they tell me he/she is huge again :lol: unless it goes undetectected again :think: Anyhoo, just trying to enjoy it for now! :hug:

Hope your all ok, havn't been able get on properly for ages without being disconected! :evil:
Hey! I am pleased for you, it sounds all rather thorough which is excellent. Glad you are getting some extra scans as well, more chance to see the little un.

Also kudos on not having clymadia lol!!!

Hugs x
yeah it seems pretty thorough which im happy about :D

When the student dr was feeling my tummy he actually felt it higher up and said ''I'm guessing it will be here right now'' so yay I may get my bump soon! :D

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